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Longpoint 2014, MD/DC area HEMA event (classes & tournaments)

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Sir James A:
Slight correction - it's held in MD, not DC

Aiden of Oreland:
I am ashamed to admit this, BUT, I don't own a sword :( I probabaly don't need one for some of the events anyway. I don't think I will attend this years, but next years. I may also be busy that week for I am in the marching band and the summer camp begins around that time frame. Again, theres always next year  :) Looks truly awesome though.

Sir James A:
Shortpoint, the prequel to this event, was a great turnout. Looks like Longpoint will be quite interesting!

Sir Brian:
Yeah I'll be registering later this week. I heard that you can't sign up for both the LS open steel and LS synthetic tournaments since they will be running concurrently. Bummer really, If you and Ed are going, perhaps we could bring our armor and do some Harnischfechten pickup bouts and/or help generate some greater interest in the local HEMA/WMA community?

Sir Wolf:
DRAT! i was gonna come down and just hang out but seems i have a ww2 event in ohio that weekend. well, i'll put it on the calender just in case i don't go


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