Main > The Great Hall

Greetings from Maryland

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Sir Rodney:

--- Quote from: wilburnicus on 2014-02-11, 02:08:50 ---Yet strangely, I feel very dissatisfied by it. The hose sag and pull the braies down (not an issue I want to deal with when walking around in public), and I screwed up on the tunic.

--- End quote ---

Don't feel dissatisfied with your current kit.  It blows my starter kit (from oh so many years ago) out of the water!   :)

Take your time and make small adjustments and corrections here and there.  Before you know it, you’ll still want to start all over again.   ;)

In all seriousness, take your time and make informed decisions. 

Sir Wolf:
very nice.

you have a pass this month on the ban hammer. lol hehehe

Sir Edward:

We all start somewhere. I think it looks pretty good from what I can see. But yeah, we all spend time adjusting. It's a really awesome feeling when you see the first picture of yourself where you think "Dang, I look bad-ass in that one!"

Don Jorge:
Welcome and congratulation on the starter will see how it evolves and how much you will learn on these forums! I can't wait till I get a proper soft kit and armor to take a promises though *dodges ban hammer*

Aiden of Oreland:
Is one not supposed to roll the top? I feel like I read somewhere that is tightens it and was a technique used for the time. Don't sweat it though, your kit will only improve. Take your time and don't rush it or you may spend money and then realize later that you bought the wrong thing. Save up it for better and more "what your looking for" appropriate stuff. Its a struggle for me especially since I am a impatient 16 year old haha.


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