Main > The Great Hall

Greetings from Maryland

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Mike W.:
Here's the only pic I was able to take before my battery died. It's not terribly good, I apologize...

Sir Nate:
Very fine Starter Kit!

Aiden of Oreland:
Welcome if I didn't say so already, and yes indeed nice kit!

Mike W.:
Yet strangely, I feel very dissatisfied by it. The hose sag and pull the braies down (not an issue I want to deal with when walking around in public), and I screwed up on the tunic.

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: wilburnicus on 2014-02-11, 02:08:50 ---Yet strangely, I feel very dissatisfied by it. The hose sag and pull the braies down (not an issue I want to deal with when walking around in public), and I screwed up on the tunic.

--- End quote ---

Do you have the braies tied tightly? Are the hosen pointed just at the fronts or in the front and sides? Possibly not enough slack to walk without them pulling down on the hosen?

You can always cut down the tunic if needed. If nothing else, see if you can sell it to someone of a smaller size, and try again; second time usually goes better, with experience. :)


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