Miscellaneous > The Sallyport

Medieval Madness Dinner Theater

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Aiden of Oreland:
Rent out the whole place why don't we lol

Sir Nate:

--- Quote from: Gareyth on 2014-01-16, 22:21:31 ---Sir Brian -

My thanks to you, Sir, for organizing this event - I trust I have not arrived too late? 

If there still be room, please count me and my Lady in!  Do we need to already call in to pay for/reserve our spots?

--- End quote ---

Gareyth, bro were have you been.

Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: Gareyth on 2014-01-16, 22:21:31 ---Sir Brian -

My thanks to you, Sir, for organizing this event - I trust I have not arrived too late? 

If there still be room, please count me and my Lady in!  Do we need to already call in to pay for/reserve our spots?

--- End quote ---

Excellent! We'd love to have you there! Yes, you'll need to call in and get your tickets, and let them know you're with our group "Order of the Marshal". 

Sir Brian, how are we doing in terms of number of reserved seats?

Arg, I forgot to call mine in today. I'll get it tomorrow.

--- Quote from: DouglasTheYounger on 2014-01-16, 22:47:01 ---I get a "Spirit Discount": Free admittance for any non-corporeal being, provided I agree to behave and not posses any of the serving maidens.

--- End quote ---

lol! Being non-corporeal has a lot of advantages of course. Just be careful of men with unlicensed nuclear accelerators on their backs. ;)

Sir Brian:

--- Quote from: Sir Edward on 2014-01-17, 01:45:20 ---
--- Quote from: Gareyth on 2014-01-16, 22:21:31 ---Sir Brian -
My thanks to you, Sir, for organizing this event - I trust I have not arrived too late? 
If there still be room, please count me and my Lady in!  Do we need to already call in to pay for/reserve our spots?

--- End quote ---
Excellent! We'd love to have you there! Yes, you'll need to call in and get your tickets, and let them know you're with our group "Order of the Marshal". 
Sir Brian, how are we doing in terms of number of reserved seats?
Arg, I forgot to call mine in today. I'll get it tomorrow.
--- End quote ---
Well by my count:
Me & spouse, Sir Nathan, Sir James, Silvanus, Nate, Aiden, their guardian, You & spouse, Gareyth & spouse, Sir William & spouse brings our group to 14 and I'm still not sure if that other couple my wife and I know are coming or not so I will increase our party reservations up to 16! But please everyone still keep me informed when you have purchased your tickets! Man this is going to be awesome!  ;D

--- Quote from: Sir Edward on 2014-01-17, 01:45:20 ---
--- Quote from: DouglasTheYounger on 2014-01-16, 22:47:01 ---I get a "Spirit Discount": Free admittance for any non-corporeal being, provided I agree to behave and not posses any of the serving maidens.
--- End quote ---
lol! Being non-corporeal has a lot of advantages of course. Just be careful of men with unlicensed nuclear accelerators on their backs. ;)
--- End quote ---
Well played indeed Douglas! :)

Sir Nate:
Oh Sir Brian Me and My brother Now have two Guardians coming with us.
Were Actually Ordering our tickets tonight.


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