Miscellaneous > The Sallyport

Medieval Madness Dinner Theater

<< < (18/34) > >>

Sir Nate:
well there closed right now. But we Left a msg.

Sir James A:
Chris is in too. I'm calling today on lunch break to reserve our two tickets. He asked what kind of a show it is, "Dinner? A show? A town hall execution?" and I told him dinner and a show, doors open at 6:30 and show starts at 7, do not be late. I informed him that there are no executions that I am aware of, but should squires arrive late...

He said that the late arrival penalty used to be having to wear the small surcoat, and execution seems really strict now. :D

Sir Edward:

Yeah, execution is only for the more egregious cases. But we're perfectly happy to put him in the pillory. :)

Sir Brian:
I just spoke with Medieval Madness to increase our seats to 16 and they are going to accommodate that request but it will be best not delay purchasing your tickets as the show is currently full however they expect a few cancellations so our group of 16 is okay.

Also Order members with the rank of squire and knight do not forget to wear your garter badges! I think I have enough and will bring some of those special ‘OotM-Make a Wish’ pins for our family and friends of the order who will be attending. ;)

Sir Wolf:
my wife says its a no go :(


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