Miscellaneous > The Sallyport

Medieval Madness Dinner Theater

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Sir Brian:

--- Quote from: Sir Edward on 2014-01-16, 19:55:11 ---
--- Quote from: Sir Wolf on 2014-01-16, 19:22:24 ---:(
--- End quote ---

Wolf, you and your lovely lady should come! Give the kids to their grandmother for the day, and come on out!
--- End quote ---

DO IT! Your lady needs a night out! DO IT! DO IT!  :)

Sir Douglas:
I'll be there in spirit, does that count? No need to save a seat; my spirit will just huddle up in a corner somewhere. ;)

Sir Martyn:
Sir Brian -

My thanks to you, Sir, for organizing this event - I trust I have not arrived too late? 

If there still be room, please count me and my Lady in!  Do we need to already call in to pay for/reserve our spots?

Sir Wolf:

--- Quote from: DouglasTheYounger on 2014-01-16, 20:30:42 ---I'll be there in spirit, does that count? No need to save a seat; my spirit will just huddle up in a corner somewhere. ;)

--- End quote ---

well ok, but still send in your money... lol

Sir Douglas:

--- Quote from: Sir Wolf on 2014-01-16, 22:28:41 ---
--- Quote from: DouglasTheYounger on 2014-01-16, 20:30:42 ---I'll be there in spirit, does that count? No need to save a seat; my spirit will just huddle up in a corner somewhere. ;)

--- End quote ---

well ok, but still send in your money... lol

--- End quote ---

I get a "Spirit Discount": Free admittance for any non-corporeal being, provided I agree to behave and not posses any of the serving maidens.


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