Miscellaneous > The Sallyport
Medieval Madness Dinner Theater
Sir Nate:
--- Quote from: Silvanus on 2014-01-16, 02:21:49 ---Hail, worthy knights. I repent of my absence. Lots of changes lately. Please make room for me at the table. I look forward to fulfilling my squirely duties and topping off your mugs of ale!
--- End quote ---
Hail Silvanus, welcome back. It will be an honor to drink with you, same to all those who prepare there carriages for travel(car and car-riage hmm)
P.s. Ill be purchasing the tickets with my group tomorrow sir Brian.
Sir Brian:
Awesome news indeed!
Sir Nathan also confirmed with me that he will be able to attend! :)
Sir Edward:
Great! More good friends to share a pint with!
I'll be ordering the tickets for myself and my wife today or tomorrow.
Sir Wolf:
Sir Edward:
--- Quote from: Sir Wolf on 2014-01-16, 19:22:24 ---:(
--- End quote ---
Wolf, you and your lovely lady should come! Give the kids to their grandmother for the day, and come on out!
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