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MASHS Free Play Sunday!

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Sir Brian:
Well MASHS free play session was a great deal of fun and well attended. It was great seeing Matt Walsh and Josh Yeager back into training. The second hour of the session was a ‘one touch’ duel round robin tournament where the winner of the first match becomes the king and all subsequent challengers get to choose the weapon for the duel and all ties (double hits) go in the favor of the king. You get to see a lot of different weaponry and no single person was king for very long. Those that were phenomenal with one or two weapon types were challenged with weapons they had little or no experience with. There were enough dagger duels to prompt me to order these! I think we should seriously consider including them with our demonstrations as ‘back up’ weapons! What say you brethren?  ;)

Sir James A:
Sir Brian, sounds like a fun addition


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