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Ridley Scott's "Robin Hood"

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Well I've seen "Evil Dead" part 1, the original. Ill have to track down the AOD dvd, I know a friend who's got it. In other news, I'm thinking about putting in my application for the Order. I've been trying -LIKE HELL -to post pics here, but I can't figure it out...(no pc right now, blegh). If anyone WOULD like to see my beginners getup, Ill direct you to my Facebook page, I have pics there. I would think I'm almost ready.......??? It would be a fantastic start for the new year!! 2014!!!!

Sir Douglas:

--- Quote from: LionPride32 on 2013-12-29, 07:50:27 ---I've been trying -LIKE HELL -to post pics here, but I can't figure it out...(no pc right now, blegh). If anyone WOULD like to see my beginners getup, Ill direct you to my Facebook page, I have pics there.

--- End quote ---

Can you link them here from Facebook via the [*img*] tags? Like:

 [*img*] photo url here [*/img*] (but without the *)

I don't have an internet-connected phone, so I don't know if you can do that with one. Forgive my ignorance if you already tried that. ;)

Sir James A:
Important note: the original Evil Dead is the one to watch before Army of Darkness. There was an Evil Dead remake/reboot that came out earlier this year, and while it's similar, it is not the same. It has at least one critical difference that I noticed, and makes Army of Darkness completely non-sequential with the remake.

If you post a link to your facebook page, just copy/paste the URL. The software automatically converts it into a clickable link.

Sir Edward:

What's funny is that Evil Dead 1 and Evil Dead 2 were almost the same movie. Same story, same protagonist. But if I recall, Evil Dead 2 is the one that got a little more tongue-in-cheek and directly leads into Army of Darkness.

Sir Brian:
But the best of all is Evil Dead 1, 2 and Army of Darkness has lots of Bruce Campbell goodness!  ;)


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