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Ridley Scott's "Robin Hood"

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Evening, gents!

I was wondering what anyone else has to say about Ridley Scott's depiction of 12th/13th century England in his film Robin Hood??

The first time I watched it I was hooked. Danny Huston's portayal of an older Richard I was great, in my opinion! The siege of Chalus castle at the beginning was a great action opener, but it was too short. I think that's what the films only major downfall is...battle scenes not long enough! And I'm appalled to find THIS version of "Robin Hood" in the $5 !?  Wtf I say!!
I am a proud owner of the movies's King Richard Sword by Windlass steelcrafts. I olan on reveiwing it in the armor section.

I think I'm one of the few people who liked that movie.  The armor is pretty bad for the time period, but I really enjoyed the story and the action.  I thought it was a cool direction to go with the Robin Hood story.

Sir Nate:
I'm hooked on it, ya there are some armor things but the movie was really good. I think it takes up from were the old tale ended. Robin had gone with Richard to crusade more and in this one the original robin of loxly dies, and basically a new one takes his place this time dealing with something like the barons war. This also makes sense because in the original Robin Hood tale john was sitting on the throne until Richard returned due to his ransom.  "Loxly and bagel it's a can't miss"

I'm also a MAJOR eagle-eye for movie mistakes. RH has many right off the bat... The beginning titles state that Richard the Lionheart is plundering his way back to England after TEN YEARS on crusade....uhhhhh NO. He was on the Third Crusade for almost two years, and he'd already been back to Europe for years before his death. The titles also state that its the turn of the 12th century, but 1199 going into 1200 would be the turn of the 13th century. Also factually Richard was killed by a boy, not an adult cook, though it is entertaining (.Look!! I killed the king!!) In that very army fighting along Richard and Loxley is where I envision myself. I point all these mistakes out to my girlfriend and she just shakes her head and asks why I care so much...

Still prefer the one with Uma Thurman.


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