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Lord Chagatai:
Hail and well met...a good resource for SCA armor wind rose armory ( and ice falcon.....if you need anything just let me know..I am a current heavy fighter in the SCA..

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

Don Jorge:

--- Quote from: Sir William on 2013-11-07, 20:40:20 ---Belemrys, I have the exact style of gambeson that I got from Forge of Svan, done in black...for the money, you'll not get better.  They're very communicative and their wares are well made.  I was worried at first at the thinness of the straps but they're very sturdy- I've picked up weight since I got it but haven't had any issues of strap or seam failure.  As I said, for that amount you'll not find anyone who does it better.  For significantly more (Jess Finley for instance) you'll get something much better but this is not a bad option.  Just know that it is more suited for plate than maille as the padding's pretty thin.  No complaints from my end though- and the turnaround time was like a month...considering where its coming from, that's pretty impressive.

On measurements - they'll tell you what they need, make sure they're accurate because Svan will build it to whatever measurements you provide and they'll be spot on, so you'll want to be wearing whatever gear you plan on wearing under it when you do take measurements as it should fit like a second skin and it will- so long as the measurements are accurate.

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Couple of questions about Svan's gambeson...would it be good for HEMA? You said the padding was pretty thin at two layers...was worried it wouldnt be protective enough for HEMA sparring...also I am about 100 lbs overweight and I need to lose it...if the gambeson ends up a bit baggier (I have a bit to lose on my stomach, back and probably arms although most of my weight is in my lower body) will it still work or should I wait to lose more weight before ordering it? Also the leather straps, there is an upgrade available for pressed leather...should I get it?

This gambeson looks a bit more like an early 14th century gambeson (I was looking at a presentation by some living history people comparing 4 knights from 1337 - 1380 - 1415 - 1450 and the earliest on had a gambeson a bit like this...maybe this could be an option for me? Still only a bit more expensive (3 euro) than the other one...might this one be more accurate and good for HEMA (looks like it gives more protection).

Sir Edward:
Unfortunately it's hard to give you a straight answer with regards to HEMA, because different groups have different requirements, and different levels of intensity when fencing. Frequently if you need more protection, you'll be looking at adding pads or something over the gambeson (such as hockey or lacrosse elbows, for instance). Generally the gambeson doesn't need to be terribly thick, but again, it'll depend on the group. Frequently it comes down to your own comfort level.

Sir James A:
Sir Ian's CdB gambeson/arming coat is a thing of envy. He is also being modest, in that he did not even say that he made it himself!

Don Jorge:

--- Quote from: James Anderson III on 2013-11-08, 16:40:57 ---Sir Ian's CdB gambeson/arming coat is a thing of envy. He is also being modest, in that he did not even say that he made it himself!

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Well he did...he posted his thread over to myarmory :)

Sir Edward, my group would like to eventually have everyone using Feders and spar at competition instructor uses a SPES Pro jacket...I myself have never touched a proper gambeson so I am not sure how they compare.


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