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Edward Jeagal:
You could always get armour of the Maximilian style without the fluting.

Sir Edward:

Just keep in mind that generally speaking, as you get later in the period, the armor historically was made with better armoring technology, which equates to more complex shaping and more articulated pieces, which means it'll cost more to you.

A lot of folks will start with mid-late 14th century plate armor because it's cheaper to reproduce, and is during the height of heraldic pageantry and before plate armor started evolving into jousting armor.

By the 16th century, a lot of the armor was become more specialized to the joust, but not all. Some of the jousting specific features that were added included haute guards (those wings that stick up from the pauldrons), affixed helms (little or no neck mobility, frog-face helms, etc), lance rests, interchangeable plates that bolt on to the breastplate, asymmetrical pauldrons, and so on.

One of the nice things about 15th century Gothic armor is that there is plenty of artwork showing it being used on foot as well as on horseback, including judicial combat.

As an aside, generally speaking you would not use a gambeson or aketon under plate armor. The armor itself is meant to absorb most of the impact, so the arming doublet/coat tended to be a bit thinner than a gambeson would be. It might have some light padding, but ideally the plates needed to be close-fitting to distribute the impact.

Aiden of Oreland:
Hail and welcome friend! You will fit in among us I guarantee! And a nice place to get some custom fitting armor for SCA is who have a good selection of armor and medieval clothing.

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Edward Jeagal on 2013-11-07, 01:08:39 ---You could always get armour of the Maximilian style without the fluting.

--- End quote ---

Armor of Wladislas :)

Edward Jeagal:

--- Quote from: James Anderson III on 2013-11-07, 04:07:16 ---Armor of Wladislas :)

--- End quote ---

Ah cheers mate. Anyways, here's a pic of a very similar set of colour! Also like what everybody already said, pick a period you like and go for the well-fitted arming clothes first. How much time and money are you willing to spend on a kit? Knowing those answers will be extremely helpful.

If any of the info I say is wrong, please feel free to correct me. I'm always keen on learning.


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