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"No youth can fight tenaciously..."

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Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Lord Dane on 2013-11-06, 16:37:10 ---TRUE fighting as about taking in ALL aspects of your opponent(s) skills and capabilities. What you cannot gauge is their willingness to DO anything (beyond rules, morals, and laws). I play it safe and avoid it. But when you can't avoid it, CONFRONT THE THREAT with absolute focus resolution on ridding yourself of the threat. Better yourself by knowing what YOU would do makes it easier to do in a fight than worrying about what your opponent will. Size up your opponent based upon what you KNOW not think. Thinking is for when you have time to do it.

Knowing is what makes you prepared for it. KNOW what you will do before hand and reaction will guide you when faced with it (by recognition). Train yourself to be better and do it repetitiously. Remember, repetition instills reaction. That makes you the threat. Willingness to commit to your own actions without second guessing yourself instills confidence.   

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Bolding mine, reminds me of the saying "You don't rise to your expectations, you fall to the level of your training".

Don Jorge:
I haven't had to be in a fight since Middle School? The advantages of being 6'5...I didn't feel confident enough in a fight until College when I did competitive Judo...from that point on I have feared no man in a and size make me very hard to beat...It also helps to spar twice a day every day for a couple of are not afraid of getting hit or thrown or tasting your own blood..

Fear is the biggest thing to overcome in fighting...

Sir William:

--- Quote from: Belemrys on 2013-11-06, 21:24:14 ---Fear is the biggest thing to overcome in fighting...

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I think that's probably the one thing that is hardest to combat; the inner fear that occurs just before a fight.  It doesn't make you a scaredy-cat or wimp; just about everyone knows this feeling and has had it at some point in their lives; don't be afraid to lose, don't be afraid to fight - just do it.  It is way easier than it sounds, until you throw your first punch (and/or take your first punch).

I like this, Dane-

--- Quote ---Willingness to commit to your own actions without second guessing yourself instills confidence.
--- End quote ---
- it is well said.

Sir Gerard de Rodes:
Within re-enactment circles here in the U.K. as soon as a youngster (male or female) shows an interest in combat they are usually given the chance to start with the basics under the supervision of an experienced combatant.
There are a few umbrella groups that set standards and guidelines for re-enactment combat all based loosely around a mixture of W.M.A. techniques, show fighting techniques and broader re-enactment standards.
These training sessions usually take place in the form of squire training exercises, and quite often in front of the M.O.P.s as a part of our event/show.

The first and most important things they learn are; acceptable target areas, correct attack techniques, pulling blows, and blocking/defense.

Of course it is of paramount importance that they learn how to "play" safely, but we all know that in such activities as we undertake, accidents happen.
When accidents happen ( as long as they are not too serious ) there are two main results;
 1, The new combatant learns a valuable lesson by the mistake,
 2, we all get to have a laugh about it and get chance to say " well you have at last bled/bruised for your hobby".

Their experience then goes into the oral history of the group and takes on an almost legendary status  :D


Sir Vander Linde:
I will be putting this to the test this weekend. Teaching youth will be interesting, local high school group/club.  in the past the statement held true, they could not fight tenaciously but they can flail like loons and try to hit your hands repeatedly. an other problem with youth is over confidence or lack of confidence, one or the other always seems to be their down fall. perhaps this applies to tenacious fighting in some way, the under confident ones seem to retreat so they fit that, but the over confident, although they get hurt and loose every engagement, attempt to fight with some tenacity I suppose.

anyway will have results when the weekend is over.


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