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"No youth can fight tenaciously..."

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Sir Nate:

--- Quote from: Thorsteinn on 2013-11-02, 18:37:58 ---Very 'Ender Wiggins' solution here.

Notice how he starts fighting in their mind first? This isn't his first fight, it won't be his last, and he lets them know that.

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I read Enders game, its now one of my favorite books, because he really thinks like I do. Or similar.  It was a great read, I hope the movie is good. I havent seen jack reacher yet.

The trick to actual fighting, I've seen, is really about having the guts to take and to dish out damage, and (especially with multiple opponents) to make a calculated explosion of violence.
Simple steps
1. Decide how to hit opponent.
2. Follow through. If the hit landed, proceed to step 3. If not, defend counters and go back to step 1.
3. Hit opponent again. If opponent still has the capacity to harm you, repeat. If not, the fight is over.
(now make all of this take place in a matter of seconds, and you get the gist of it) 

Sir Brian:

--- Quote from: Sir Nate on 2013-11-02, 16:59:19 ---Yes well put sir brian.
It opened my eyes because I realized how easily I could be subdued. But the person was almost twice my size, and he was at the time a little slow. He didnt really fight fairly though considering all he liked to do was show people he was stronger. Just a bully in the end
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Size is rarely relevant, unless there is a vast disparity such as 100 pound woman fighting a 250 pound man and even then the size variance is irrelevant if the woman is highly skilled and the man is unskilled. Mass can be manipulated with leverage. Since you are dealing with a bully he is complacent and overconfident in his greater size. The next time he wants to use you as a prop to reaffirm his 'supremacy' in your social circle - break something on him. You will have to pay the consequences but you will establish yourself as someone definitely not to mess with.

You and your brother can practice on each other if you do not know how to escape from the basic headlock, be careful and practice slowly to perfect your technique.

Assuming the bully has your head in the classic headlock with you bent over at the waist and your head approximately around his waist. You can break his nose by reaching up to his face and planting your palm on his cheek bone then clasp his nose and make a fist. It will cause excruciating pain and if your hands are strong enough will break his nose. Or you can place the pinky finger edge of your hand under the tip of his nose and press upwards. His head will go back and you tell him to let go of your head and you'll let go. When he releases your head  you grab the back of his knee and throw him onto his back. While he is stunned stomp on his groin. However the fastest and most damaging counter to a headlock is when he has your body bent over with your head at his hip you adjust your stance by taking a step slightly forward then do the nut cracker on him. That is three hard punches with both fists, one from the front and one from the back with his gonads being smashed between them. He will let go and if he doesn't collapse you can then grab the nearest leg and lift and push him down.

While mass, strength, size, and leverage is actually very important in a fight (we have a 6' 6" new fighter who hits like a freight train), especially if no great disparity in skill exists, skill can still be paramount.

I once told a student who didn't believe this that I was going to close my eyes, place my hand on her shoulder, and at the word 'go' I would submit her without ever opening my eye's. While I'm stronger, and slightly taller, she was heavier & a little faster. Yet I still succeeded even though she saw everything I did.

Lord Dane:
TRUE fighting is about taking in ALL aspects of your opponent's skills and capabilities. What you cannot gauge is their willingness to do anything (beyond rules, morals, and laws). I play it safe and avoid it. But when you can't avoid it, CONFRONT THE THREAT with absolute focus & resolution on ridding yourself of the threat. Better yourself by knowing what YOU would do makes it easier to do in a fight than worrying about what your opponent will. Size up your opponent based upon what you KNOW not think. Thinking is for when you have time to do it.

Knowing is what makes you prepared for it. KNOW what you will do before hand and reaction will guide you when faced with it (by recognition). Train yourself to be better and do it repetitiously. Remember, repetition instills reaction. That makes you the threat. Willingness to commit to your own actions without second guessing yourself instills confidence.   


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