Main > The Courtyard

"No youth can fight tenaciously..."

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Sir William:
That was well said, Sir Brian.

In an actual unsanctioned fight (street, barroom brawl, what have you) you must realize that whatever rules you may adhere to, your opponent likely will not.

Sir Nate:
Yes well put sir brian.
It opened my eyes because I realized how easily I could be subdued. But the person was almost twice my size, and he was at the time a little slow. He didnt really fight fairly though considering all he liked to do was show people he was stronger. Just a bully in the end

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Sir Nate on 2013-11-02, 16:59:19 ---He didnt really fight fairly though considering all he liked to do was show people he was stronger. Just a bully in the end

--- End quote ---

In most real life unsanctioned fights, I believe this would often (but not always) be the case with whoever starts the conflict.

Very 'Ender Wiggins' solution here.

Notice how he starts fighting in their mind first? This isn't his first fight, it won't be his last, and he lets them know that.

Sir Edward:

Nice, I haven't seen Jack Reacher. I think I'll netflix it at some point.


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