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"No youth can fight tenaciously..."

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Aiden of Oreland:
No matter how much you train, it can only give you technique. Every man you fight is different. A new challenge and are unpredictable. Keep a calm head the whole time. Best advice is to be prepared for anything and have fast reflexes. Don't exert all your energy to defeat them. Most of all stand up for yourself. The younge learn through experience, are not as experienced as elders who are experienced. Thats why they must mostly train their mind. As Papa Wallace said to William Wallace, "Oh, I know you can fight. But it's our wits that make us men. Want to know whats ridiculous. If someone in school decides to beat your guts out and you defend thy self you are equally as guilty in the eyes of the school board. Thus why bullies can get away with anything. Sometimes you have to prove you will not tolerate them. But as I usually say "raise the shield, not the sword"

Lord Dane:

--- Quote from: Belemrys on 2013-11-06, 21:24:14 ---I haven't had to be in a fight since Middle School? The advantages of being 6'5...I didn't feel confident enough in a fight until College when I did competitive Judo...from that point on I have feared no man in a and size make me very hard to beat...It also helps to spar twice a day every day for a couple of are not afraid of getting hit or thrown or tasting your own blood..

Fear is the biggest thing to overcome in fighting...

--- End quote ---

Beg to differ. When it comes to fighting, STUPIDITY is the hardest thing to overcome. It is how you avoid it that makes people fumble over your inability to decide actions to take.   

Lord Dane:

--- Quote from: Sir Aiden on 2013-11-07, 04:31:22 ---No matter how much you train, it can only give you technique. Every man you fight is different. A new challenge and are unpredictable. Keep a calm head the whole time. Best advice is to be prepared for anything and have fast reflexes. Don't exert all your energy to defeat them. Most of all stand up for yourself. The younge learn through experience, are not as experienced as elders who are experienced. Thats why they must mostly train their mind. As Papa Wallace said to William Wallace, "Oh, I know you can fight. But it's our wits that make us men. Want to know whats ridiculous. If someone in school decides to beat your guts out and you defend thy self you are equally as guilty in the eyes of the school board. Thus why bullies can get away with anything. Sometimes you have to prove you will not tolerate them. But as I usually say "raise the shield, not the sword"

--- End quote ---

Protect yourself first no matter what Aiden. Grown ups have just as much stupidity in their decision making as to who & what course is right as kids do. Inexperience does not make one less able to think comparative to those with experience thinking they know what is the right course of action. Use your common sense especially when others lack it. Do what is right by you. Listen to yourself but take in what others say in the process. You learn by other's logic as much as by their stupidity.

Good appproach: "Raise your shield ... (for defense) but then strike with it (to attack)." (If they look for you to draw your sword, they will be unfocused on the real threat). Fight smart. :)

Sir Nate:
When your getting mugged!, he has a knife in the alyway
you Pick The Metal Trash Can, Use the lid as a Shield- and the trash can itself as a Hammer

He has  a pocket knife.
You have a giant hammer and a shield.

Aiden of Oreland:

--- Quote from: Lord Dane on 2013-11-08, 16:37:34 ---
--- Quote from: Sir Aiden on 2013-11-07, 04:31:22 ---No matter how much you train, it can only give you technique. Every man you fight is different. A new challenge and are unpredictable. Keep a calm head the whole time. Best advice is to be prepared for anything and have fast reflexes. Don't exert all your energy to defeat them. Most of all stand up for yourself. The younge learn through experience, are not as experienced as elders who are experienced. Thats why they must mostly train their mind. As Papa Wallace said to William Wallace, "Oh, I know you can fight. But it's our wits that make us men. Want to know whats ridiculous. If someone in school decides to beat your guts out and you defend thy self you are equally as guilty in the eyes of the school board. Thus why bullies can get away with anything. Sometimes you have to prove you will not tolerate them. But as I usually say "raise the shield, not the sword"

--- End quote ---

Protect yourself first no matter what Aiden. Grown ups have just as much stupidity in their decision making as to who & what course is right as kids do. Inexperience does not make one less able to think comparative to those with experience thinking they know what is the right course of action. Use your common sense especially when others lack it. Do what is right by you. Listen to yourself but take in what others say in the process. You learn by other's logic as much as by their stupidity.

Good appproach: "Raise your shield ... (for defense) but then strike with it (to attack)." (If they look for you to draw your sword, they will be unfocused on the real threat). Fight smart. :)

--- End quote ---

Thank you for liking my reference, I have always liked using it. Thus why it is under my signature thingy. "I raise not the sword but the shield, for sometimes the greatest offence is the best defense"-Aiden. Well ya, by experience i meant in skill as a fighter and know your stuff and to fight smart. Not go in as a brute and just assume you are the greastest fighter. So ya basicaly I meant what you said. I just have a poor choice of words. Forgive me.


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