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Sir Douglas:

--- Quote from: TimothyPaulGallagher on 2013-08-24, 00:08:19 ---Sorry I did not mean to mislead but the banners are as yet unhung. As soon as they are I will post a picture. I am having one of them made more or less per month. Three are in hand. They all cost a different amount do to the complexity's of the arms and I of course ordered the lest expensive ones first. So each month the banners will cost more.

The Gallagher banner will be $431.30 with the rest costing considerably less. I am having about 8-10 made. Most are either supporters of King John, or are Surety Barons.


--- End quote ---

No worries. :) I think it's pretty cool that you know enough about your familial history to be able to do that. I, unfortunately, have no idea where my family comes from beyond a few generations. I've always wondered about it, though.

Sir Nate:
Welcome to the forum, always nice to meet such interesting people.


No worries. :) I think it's pretty cool that you know enough about your familial history to be able to do that. I, unfortunately, have no idea where my family comes from beyond a few generations. I've always wondered about it, though.

If you would like help getting started on your family history I would be most willing to help.



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