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Author Topic: Reclaiming the Blade Sequel  (Read 8790 times)


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Reclaiming the Blade Sequel
« on: 2013-08-03, 18:15:49 »
Many of you are familiar with Reclaiming the Blade, an excellent documentary on the sword narrated by John Rhys-Davies.  The sequel is a current Kickstarter project entitled Reclaiming the Blade: Sons of Fire and is worth your consideration for a donation!  You can donate as little as $1, and the rewards get pretty cool when you get in to some of the higher dollar amounts.

« Last Edit: 2013-08-03, 18:16:04 by Ian »
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Re: Reclaiming the Blade Sequel
« Reply #1 on: 2013-08-05, 02:48:36 »

Two people already jumped on the "only 3 available" $10,000 pledges!

(No, I'm not one of them... but I want to know what they do!)
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Sir Edward

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Re: Reclaiming the Blade Sequel
« Reply #2 on: 2013-08-05, 21:03:13 »

Signed up!
Sir Ed T. Toton III
Knight Commander, Order of the Marshal

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Re: Reclaiming the Blade Sequel
« Reply #3 on: 2013-08-15, 18:26:43 »
Unfortunately the Kickstarter ran out of time and only collected about $50,000 in pledges.  The good news is they moved to a new website that doesn't impose time limits like Kickstarter does, and will be re-attempting to raise the funds for the sequel.  Here is the website for anyone interested!  Please donate what you can!  Their plan is to work with a HUGE list of HEMA/WMA organizations around the world for this one!

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Re: Reclaiming the Blade Sequel
« Reply #4 on: 2013-08-15, 18:39:06 »
Beat me to it, I was just coming here to post the update. :)  I've gone ahead and signed up through the website.

More info from them:

Yes, we're Moving and the good news is we are still making the film!

With investors and our own funds (that can not be placed here on Kickstarter for policy reasons) we are moving forward on our website but we still really need your help! As our Kickstarter campaign has been cancelled and you will not be charged, please follow with us on the journey to our new donation page at www.ReclaimingtheBlade.com, sign up for the same package you had here and we can make the film. We appreciate everyone's support very much and look forward to seeing you over on the new website!

For those of you ordering the first film now that we are moving you will receive it right away and don't have to wait until next year.

Here are other reasons for the move:

1. We are not as limited on time. Many promoters came in at the last minute during the 11th hour and we really did not have time to set things up. They will be joining us now at the new site and these include some of the largest brands and website on the internet.

2. We can begin work right away on the film and continue with your support to finish on-time and we can of course pre-sale the new film until it is ready to ship!

3. We can accept investor funds, which was not possible with Kickstarter

4. We accept PayPal, a much more universal form of payment than Amazon.

5. We can provide even better rewards. Certain things are simply not allowed on Kickstarter, on the new site we can do what we feel is best for the backers.

6. We won't have to pay Kickstarter fees and by moving we may actually be able to lower the budget.

7. You will be able to select more than 1 reward putting together your own Sons of Fire package if you like!

Here at the Galatia Films we want to give back and better the cultural community. We invite you to join us every Saturday at 5p.m. EST for another exciting episode of the fast growing SwordTalks show, designed to educate and inspire others when it comes to the sword. Also as part of Reclaiming the Blade: Sons of Fire movement we will gather together sword experts and visit schools in the US (and Europe while traveling to make the film) to inspire and educate new generation. As it is said: "Those who don't know their past shall have no future." We want to insure that the traditions of the blade, we work so hard to reclaim today, will not fall into darkness, but rather be carried through all time.

Help us make a difference and head on over to www.ReclaimingtheBlade.com to give your support. Thank you and we are looking forward to making this amazing film for and with you!

-Reclaiming the Blade Team
Sir Ed T. Toton III
Knight Commander, Order of the Marshal

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Re: Reclaiming the Blade Sequel
« Reply #5 on: 2013-08-16, 15:41:26 »
Hope they do it.
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Sir Edward

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Re: Reclaiming the Blade Sequel
« Reply #6 on: 2013-08-22, 12:41:43 »

More info from them. I encourage folks to go ahead and sign up. At the right contribution level, you're essentially pre-purchasing the DVD rather than just donating. If you haven't seen the first one, it's well worth checking it out.

Daniel McNicoll says:

The Galatia Films Team wishes to thank everyone that came over from the Kickstarter page to join us on our new fundraising website. We have kept all of the popular packages so if you haven't re-pledged your support to Sons of Fire just yet, please head on over to www.ReclaimingtheBlade.com to do so.

Although its unfortunate we did not complete the campaign on Kickstarter, it has been a very good experience. The truth is we've gained a lot of great knowledge, amazing new friends, partners and investors along the way. As you may know a very exciting weekly sword oriented webcast came out of the campaign and we are happy to announce that we will continue with our SwordTalks every Saturday at 5p.m. EST.

As an update to the 'Reclaiming the Blade: Sons of Fire' fundraising, we have now successfully raised over $50,000 just from Galatia Films and investor funds. At this stage we would like to ask you one more time to please move your pledge over to our new fundraising site. If we are able to raise the $42,000 in pledges once more on the new website, then we will only be $50,000 away from a complete budget, and at this time we are able to begin the production. Also at www.ReclaimingtheBlade.com investor options are available. If you are interested in ROI (Return on Investment), please contact us directly to get more information.

Again, we want to thank you for your support. We believe that the sword community is a select "brotherhood" of a very passionate warriors ready to stand and protect the heart of what is valuable. We also believe that the history of the sword, which we all work so hard to reclaim, is worth preserving for future generations. The world is a better place through the education of these historical and cultural European arts. This is our focus and with your help we can create another great film that will inspire thousands of new students to pick up the sword. We welcome and appreciate everyone's support and if you haven't pledged already please do so by visiting our new website at www.ReclaimingtheBlade.com
Sir Ed T. Toton III
Knight Commander, Order of the Marshal

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