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Dominus vobiscum

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Lord Dane:
Welcome Grand Master Garland to our forum. It is an honor to have you join us and I am sure all of us will have much to share in our efforts. Each of us has our own uniqueness & experience but all of us have the same ideals in preserving the notions of chivalry in our everyday lives. We are blessed and privileged to have you amongst us. God bless you Brother, and our brethren. :)

Sorry to ask but I saw this:

"For the past 200 years we have been in the vanguard of the Counter Revolution."

Then I read up on your site a bit, and as my family fled both North Ireland on one side and Russia on the other in the face of revolution fueled by religion (Protestant vs Catholic & Orthodox vs Jew) I must ask what you mean by that.


Grand Master Garland:
Sir Edward, Lord Dane, Sir Gerard, Sir Patrick, Brother Patricius, thank you all for your warm welcome. I look forward to participating in your excellent forum. Yeoman Thorsteinn, thank you for your question about the Counter Revolution.  I'll answer as briefly as I can.  The Knights of St. John have a long tradition of refusing to fight against other Christian forces.  Since the French Revolution, in fulfillment of the Code of Knighthood and our ancient mission, we have fought against those forces warring against Holy Church and Christian Monarchy.  This is the Counter Revolution.  Our Grand Master Czar Paul I first rallied the noble Christian warriers of Europe to this work in 1798. That good work evolved into what has become a constant struggle against atheistic Communism which began in 1917 at St. Petersburg, Russia.  The Sovereign Order mobilized our last sizable field army to engage the Bolsheviks in Latvia in 1919.  This same Counter Revolution continues in various forms today.  And of course, let us not forget the ceaseless war against the Infidel, now heating up with the massive Moslem intrusion into ancient Christendom.  We promise never to retreat before them.

Welcome Grand Master Garland, quite an honor to have you here in our humble little forum.

Sir Edward:
Our humble little forum is definitely growing in reach. I love the fact that various Orders of chivalry are starting to notice it.

Just out of curiosity, how does the Order relate to the Sovereign Order of Malta that is still operated out of Rome? (website)? Is this an offshoot that sprung off at some point in history? Or entirely different? I haven't had a chance to look through the history on the website, so forgive me if it's already mentioned there.



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