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Dominus vobiscum

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Grand Master Garland:
Sir Ian, thank you for your greeting.   Sir Edward, the Sovereign Military Order of Malta is the widely recognized descendant organization but they originate from our Order.  The story is on our website.  The 3 most recognized Malta orders from Rome, London and Germany are very different from us in that each of them publicly renounced militancy many years ago.  They are very successful at charity work.  We, instead, continue to follow the Code of Knighthood, a lifestyle which combines personal honor and traditional faith that is rarely found in our society today.

Sir William:
Welcome to the forum, Grand Master Garland.  I've been perusing your site- am most interested in the listing of Historical Grand Masters, 1048-1798 as that is a 750 year chunk of history that I find most engaging for my studies of the Crusades (and thereafter, of course).

Welcome, Good Sir!

Sir Brian:
Hail and well met.

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Grand Master Garland on 2013-06-20, 13:40:33 ---Sir Edward, Lord Dane, Sir Gerard, Sir Patrick, Brother Patricius, thank you all for your warm welcome. I look forward to participating in your excellent forum. Yeoman Thorsteinn, thank you for your question about the Counter Revolution.  I'll answer as briefly as I can.  The Knights of St. John have a long tradition of refusing to fight against other Christian forces.  Since the French Revolution, in fulfillment of the Code of Knighthood and our ancient mission, we have fought against those forces warring against Holy Church and Christian Monarchy.  This is the Counter Revolution.  Our Grand Master Czar Paul I first rallied the noble Christian warriers of Europe to this work in 1798. That good work evolved into what has become a constant struggle against atheistic Communism which began in 1917 at St. Petersburg, Russia.  The Sovereign Order mobilized our last sizable field army to engage the Bolsheviks in Latvia in 1919.  This same Counter Revolution continues in various forms today.  And of course, let us not forget the ceaseless war against the Infidel, now heating up with the massive Moslem intrusion into ancient Christendom.  We promise never to retreat before them.

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Garland, as you are new here, I just want to point out that discussions of politics / religion are against the forum guidelines. Things such as "noble Christian warriers", "atheistic Communism", "war against the Infidel", "Moslem intrusion" ... all things to avoid on here. Just a friendly reminder, in case you missed it. :)

--- Quote ---Conversations should attempt to remain on-topic for the message board. We've tried to create enough sections to the forum to cover a wide range of topics, and more can be added where necessary, but this site is specific in its purpose of discussing knights, chivalry, swords, weapons, and armor, in a historical or modern sense, and related topics such as SCA events, Renaissance/Medieval faires, garb, swordplay, etc. Note: Specifically, please refrain from discussions of politics and religion, as these are out of scope and can lead to unnecessary unpleasantness.
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