Main > The Great Hall

Dominus vobiscum

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Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: Grand Master Garland on 2013-06-22, 23:30:27 ---Sir William, Sir Brian and Corvus, thank you for your greeting.  Sir James, thank you for cautionning me about the rules of the forum against discussions of politics and religion.  I will have difficulty joining forum discussions about historical chivalry since the well known ancient code of knighthood is based on the Christian faith and the unceasing war against the Infidel.  Thank you for your comment Sir Edward.  I respectfully request your judgement on these matters.

--- End quote ---

No worries, we just have to walk a fine line here sometimes. Historical discussions that involve religion and faith are just fine, and answering questions about present day issues is just fine, usually. What we avoid are discussions that can potentially turn personal. One of the things that we hold dear on our forum is the atmosphere of respect and civility, so we post these reminders about the rules so that those who are engaging in the conversation will remember not to cross the line later in the conversation.


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