Main > The Great Hall

Hail, good knights

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Sir Patrick:
Hail and well met!

Sir Gerard de Rodes:
Welcome to these boards Fearghas MacDimm, and good speed to you.


--- Quote from: MacDimm on 2013-06-15, 18:33:29 ---Sir Wolf, I'm based out of Mittelmarch, which is the Indianapolis chapter. Before that I ran the Evansville chapter, Fangorn Forest, which I believe no longer exists.

--- End quote ---

Well met!  My grand Knight lives in Crawfordsville, and I know a lot of SCA people in the Indy area.  If you would like, I can pm your contact info to them.


--- Quote from: Thorsteinn on 2013-06-15, 20:18:27 ---
--- Quote from: B. Patricius on 2013-06-15, 07:19:05 ---smells like you're bragging a bit there Thorsteinn.

--- End quote ---

Q: Know what you call a mid-level Western fighter in any other Kingdom?

A: Your Majesty. 

--- End quote ---

90 Crowns and I can say 5 names that are at least ΒΌ of them  :o :P ;)

fwiw, I have never lived there, nor visited there  ;)

Lord Dane:
Doesn't take much to say my Lord, Lady & Liege.  ;D


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