Main > The Great Hall

Hail, good knights

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Sir Wolf, I'm based out of Mittelmarch, which is the Indianapolis chapter. Before that I ran the Evansville chapter, Fangorn Forest, which I believe no longer exists.

Sir William:
Welcome to the forums man, nice kit.


--- Quote from: B. Patricius on 2013-06-15, 07:19:05 ---smells like you're bragging a bit there Thorsteinn.

--- End quote ---

Q: Know what you call a mid-level Western fighter in any other Kingdom?

A: Your Majesty. 

Fearghas have you ever been to, or are you going to, Pennsic War?

B. Patricius:

--- Quote from: Thorsteinn on 2013-06-15, 20:18:27 ---
--- Quote from: B. Patricius on 2013-06-15, 07:19:05 ---smells like you're bragging a bit there Thorsteinn.

--- End quote ---

Q: Know what you call a mid-level Western fighter in any other Kingdom?

A: Your Majesty. 

Fearghas have you ever been to, or are you going to, Pennsic War?

--- End quote ---

lol you can keep thinking that Thorsteinn any time you want to come down here and play with us in Adria, by all means it'd be a great time!  8)

I have not attended Pennsic. I would like to at some point, but Ragnarok, which is the Dagorhir equivalent, is held at the same campground as Pennsic every year and lasts a week, is around the same time. It's a 9 hour drive for me and getting off work for either is pretty difficult. Convincing the wife and new baby to come along even more so :/ . Maybe one day....


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