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Author Topic: Elder Scrolls Online, beta sign-up  (Read 37568 times)

Aiden of Oreland

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Re: Elder Scrolls Online, beta sign-up
« Reply #45 on: 2014-02-12, 04:40:09 »
I agree, Sir William. I really have a hard time getting into any kind of multiplayer game, not just MMOs. They're fun every once in a while -- I like the occasional TF2 match, and LotRO is my one major MMO exception -- but I get much more satisfaction from playing alone. It lets me play the game how I want to play. If I'm playing an RPG like The Elder Scrolls, sometimes I like to play it realistically. Walking instead of running everywhere, eating food, sleeping at night: roleplaying. It kind of breaks the immersion when some goofball runs up to you, starts jumping around all over the place, and generally acts silly. Other times, I like being that goofball, and it's a lot easier to do that when you don't have those super-serious spreadsheet gamers calling you a n00b.

I grew up playing games mostly alone, so I just prefer single-player games. I don't like how so many games are starting to favor the social features over a solid single-player experience. Maybe I'm just grumpy and anti-social. ;)

I grew up with 3 games, Halo 3, Cod 3 & 4, and Oblivion. I definitely love the single player experience. If you're like me, i name my main character after me in ES. I played Oblivion 5 years, 6 hours a day (literally why my grades in school sucked) and you know what, i never got tired of that game. Halo is the only game I play online. Everyone having the same weapons, red vs blue. Its the simple things about that game that i found so fun.

Sir Edward, play Oblivion or Morrowind first. I am dead serious. Then you may play skyrim. Douglas, you can support that statement.
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Re: Elder Scrolls Online, beta sign-up
« Reply #46 on: 2014-02-12, 14:03:45 »

It looks like ESO has sent out a beta survey. Hopefully people will point out some of the shortcomings, and they may make some tweaks.

The problem is, the game is about to come out in about 2 months. They're in bug-fixing mode now, so it's unlikely there will be any significant improvements to gameplay, style, art, animation, etc before launch. But, being an MMO, it'll have time to fix those things later.

Sadly, we've come to accept and expect that in the MMO market. The games are nearly always launched before they're ready, and need a solid year after launch to mature.
Sir Ed T. Toton III
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Sir William

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Re: Elder Scrolls Online, beta sign-up
« Reply #47 on: 2014-02-12, 15:16:11 »
That's pretty much how I approach games of that type, Douglas- I'm a solo gamer at heart and the immersive experience is supposed to be tailored to me; I've had some fun with online games like the ones I mentioned (I only mentioned them because they are, to date, the only games I've ever played online) and I can see how having some online elements to a single player game might be cool but I do so enjoy the single over the multiplayer experience.

The one caveat that I don't roll with is that I usually run everywhere instead of walk- but I figure, they did it in LOTR so why can't I?  Granted, I can't run like that for real- so I enjoy doing it in a game; eventually, they'll make it so you don't have unlimited stamina but until they do....

Aiden, Oblivion was a good suggestion as a precursor to Skyrim, but I wouldn't go any further back.  I tried playing Morrowind before I got Oblivion, just to get into it a little, delve a bit into the lore- it was horrible to the eyes; everything- the character models, the stilted way they moved, all the damn reading...lol

I'm sure it was a fantastic game, in fact, I've heard nothing but good things about it...but it needs to stay in the old-gen library.

Truth be told, he needn't play any of the previous ones...even if Skyrim is his first introduction into the single player side of Elder Scrolls...it is that good, wouldn't you agree?
The Black Knight, Order of the Marshal
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Re: Elder Scrolls Online, beta sign-up
« Reply #48 on: 2014-02-12, 16:41:11 »

It looks like ESO has sent out a beta survey. Hopefully people will point out some of the shortcomings, and they may make some tweaks.

I filled out a very extensive beta survey when I did my first closed beta session months ago, and there was no response, no improvements, no nothing.... I had the same experience every time I played.  My concerns were not unique either, so I don't have my hopes up. 

It was just too tall of an order to expect the open world experience of ES in an MMO.

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Re: Elder Scrolls Online, beta sign-up
« Reply #49 on: 2014-02-12, 18:23:52 »

The one caveat that I don't roll with is that I usually run everywhere instead of walk- but I figure, they did it in LOTR so why can't I?  Granted, I can't run like that for real- so I enjoy doing it in a game; eventually, they'll make it so you don't have unlimited stamina but until they do....

Lol, this is true. I admit, though, that I don't always follow my own rule. Sometimes I walk just to take in the scenery, but then I get bored and book it to my next location. ;)

I don't really know which game I would recommend as an introduction to TES. I started with Oblivion and it really wowed me. Then I think I did Skyrim next, then Morrowind. I've also played Arena and Daggerfall, though they're a bit different of an experience than the later games and would probably only really appeal to old-school or retro gamers.

They all have their strengths and weaknesses. Morrowind has more diverse RPG mechanics, but it is rather ugly and clunky. I had a hard time getting into it at first; it was a struggle getting through the first few character levels because it felt like my character couldn't do anything right. Once I got some graphical improvement mods and leveled up a bit more, I started enjoying it a lot more.

I'd say Oblivion is sort of the middle-ground between Morrowind and Skyrim. It's not quite as RPGish as Morrowind, but it has a little more to offer in terms of skills and abilities than Skyrim. It's kind of awesome to be able to enchant a pair of pants so that it applies burn damage to whoever's wearing them, then reverse-pickppoket them onto an unsuspecting citizen.

Skyrim is arguably the nicest-looking of the three. The character models are a huge improvement over Oblivion's (where some of the Orcs looked a wee bit too much like Shrek), and the environment is just beautiful. Not quite as alien as Morrowind's, but not as run-of-the-mill European fantasy as Oblivion's. Skyrim's dungeons are a lot more unique as well, and some of them are very ingenious. It's a little more simplified in terms of RPG mechanics than its predecessors, but it also adds some things its predecessors didn't have, especially so if you get all three DLC along with it.

It was just too tall of an order to expect the open world experience of ES in an MMO.

So based just on what you've seen and experienced so far, what do you think will happen after launch? Think it will survive, flop, have to go f2p, or pass into quaint Elder Scrolls history like Redguard and Battlespire?
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Sir William

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Re: Elder Scrolls Online, beta sign-up
« Reply #50 on: 2014-02-12, 19:47:50 »
Skyrim is arguably the nicest-looking of the three. The character models are a huge improvement over Oblivion's (where some of the Orcs looked a wee bit too much like Shrek), and the environment is just beautiful. Not quite as alien as Morrowind's, but not as run-of-the-mill European fantasy as Oblivion's. Skyrim's dungeons are a lot more unique as well, and some of them are very ingenious. It's a little more simplified in terms of RPG mechanics than its predecessors, but it also adds some things its predecessors didn't have, especially so if you get all three DLC along with it.

I agree; and while Oblivion was awesome, especially for its time (as well as how much of my time I put into it, something close to 300 hours all told; but I more than doubled that w/Skyrim.  I should feel ashamed, right?  lol), Skyrim is the better game, in my humble opinion.  There were definitely some wow moments, especially when I realized that after having hit up 5 dungeons/caverns and not a one of them had the same layout, they were all different.

Not to mention when I first found Blackreach.  HOLY COW.
The Black Knight, Order of the Marshal
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Aiden of Oreland

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Re: Elder Scrolls Online, beta sign-up
« Reply #51 on: 2014-02-12, 20:52:39 »
Oblivion definitly had more depth to the wuests in my opinion. Thry wern't as simple. I played Oblivion first, ten when I heard about Skyrim I figured I'd knock out Morrowind. Ha, that was clearly impossible. There was no difficulty level in Morrowind. On top of that you couldn't tell if you were hitting something or not. But after awhile I really got a grab on it. Morrowind definitly had HUGE armor selection and you could where the armor how ever you liked. There were more weapons like spears. Combat and running, ew. Oblivion reused parts to much. All churches looked the same, they used parts from other dungeons in other dungeons. Though I must admit, oblivion was waaaayyyy ahead of it's time as far as gaming goes. Graphics were incredible, the open world. Skyrim definitly had a more fantasy feel to it like morrowind used to have. Seeing an island from blood moon in skyrim was killer. But Morrowind had a cooler werewolf system than skyrim. First person werewolf. I think each game has its "superiors". I didn't enjoy Skyrim as much as Oblivion. Oblivion just had more to it I suppose. Idk, maybe its from spending half of my gaming career playing it. A nice part about ESO is that they will release a new part of the world like every year. It has a fairly decent story behind it to. In my opinion. It also has a good reason behind resurrection.
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Re: Elder Scrolls Online, beta sign-up
« Reply #52 on: 2014-02-12, 22:29:06 »
So based just on what you've seen and experienced so far, what do you think will happen after launch? Think it will survive, flop, have to go f2p, or pass into quaint Elder Scrolls history like Redguard and Battlespire?

My prediction is that ESO will float a bit on subscriptions for a while, because there are some very rabid folks out there who are deeply emotionally invested in liking this game no matter how good it actually is, and they will carry it for a bit.  I'm guessing it will go the way of SWTOR.  Tons of folks will play through the leveling experience, and then it will fizzle out and go f2p.  Although I really enjoyed the SWTOR leveling process a bunch more than I enjoyed the ESO closed beta.

There's no way they can return the soul of ES to the game this late in the beta.  It's just another mmo in my opinion with a facade of Elder Scrolls.

As far as the single player ES games, I liked Skyrim the best mainly because I love the lore and atmosphere of Skyrim more than the environment of Oblivion.  Gameplay wise they're both excellent.

But my favorite recent CRPG is Witcher 2, although it's not open world, I just fell in love with that game.  Really looking forward to Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt.
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Aiden of Oreland

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Re: Elder Scrolls Online, beta sign-up
« Reply #53 on: 2014-02-13, 02:48:14 »
I have actually never played Red Dead or Witcher. I want to play ESO but idk if I want to spend the 15 a month. I hope the game picks up, and doesn't end up like Rift (the two having very similar ideas).
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Sir William

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Re: Elder Scrolls Online, beta sign-up
« Reply #54 on: 2014-02-13, 16:48:50 »
I've never played Witcher but it sounds like my type of game.

Aiden, if you like Westerns, Red Dead Redemption is the consummate experience.
The Black Knight, Order of the Marshal
'Per Pale Azure and Sable, a Chevron counterchanged fimbriated argent.' 
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Aiden of Oreland

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Re: Elder Scrolls Online, beta sign-up
« Reply #55 on: 2014-02-13, 17:03:47 »
I've never played Witcher but it sounds like my type of game.

Aiden, if you like Westerns, Red Dead Redemption is the consummate experience.

I know, I REALLY want to play it, but I don't have the time or the money. I probably will though next time I visit (yes I visit) gamestop or Game Junkie(greatest store ever). I havn't even played AC or Bio Shock... Uh oh secrets out...
-"I raise not the sword, but the shield."-Aiden Max

Sir Douglas

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Re: Elder Scrolls Online, beta sign-up
« Reply #56 on: 2014-02-13, 17:21:21 »
I've never played any of the AC or BioShock games, either. Shhh, don't tell anyone. ;) I'd like to get the first Assassin's Creed eventually, though.

I also think I'd like Red Dead Redemption. I watch a lot of old Western shows (Bonanza, Gunsmoke, etc.) so I think I'd get a kick out of it.
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Re: Elder Scrolls Online, beta sign-up
« Reply #57 on: 2014-02-26, 16:59:18 »
I have a free beta key for ESO for this weekend's test if anyone wants it.  First come first served.  **PC ONLY**
« Last Edit: 2014-02-26, 17:00:34 by Ian »
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Re: Elder Scrolls Online, beta sign-up
« Reply #58 on: 2014-02-27, 01:03:36 »
armor and video games... until I have a job its sadly one or the other
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Sir William

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Re: Elder Scrolls Online, beta sign-up
« Reply #59 on: 2014-02-27, 21:35:30 »
I've never played any of the AC or BioShock games, either. Shhh, don't tell anyone. ;) I'd like to get the first Assassin's Creed eventually, though.

I also think I'd like Red Dead Redemption. I watch a lot of old Western shows (Bonanza, Gunsmoke, etc.) so I think I'd get a kick out of it.

For me, AC1 was the best- if only because its set during the 3rd Crusade and you (eventually) get to rub elbows with the likes of William of Montferrat and the Lionheart himself (among other historical figures from that period); as it is a video game expect certain video game tropes but they did make an effort to appear more or less historically influenced (I hesitate to use accurate, but that's just being cautionary, its actually quite good looking- no one's wearing plate, except for what appear to be armored ailettes, and that could be due to the developers not understanding what they were seeing) and some have decried the mission structures to be somewhat simplified and repetitive, I found it to be quite the enjoyable experience overall.  The production values are incredible and the game boasts some of the most realistic renderings of Jerusalem, Damascus, Acre and Masyaf that have ever been seen (in a game anyways).  Riding on horseback- the mechanics are some of the best I've ever come across in a game (RDR being the only one that bests it), fighting from horseback isn't as intense as it could've been (I imagine the code needed to get the horse to bite, buck and lash out with front or hind hooves would be too much to ask considering nothing major occurs while on horseback, other than picking fights with patrolling guardsmen- eventually you might find yourself taking on an entire squadron, oh great fun, great fun) it is still viable and there's nothing like charging said squadron with sword raised and just crashing into them to see them scatter, while doling out a few judicious cuts...until they cut the legs out from under you, so to speak.  Horses don't die though...after a fight (provided you survived) you can usually find them quietly cropping grass nearby.  Oh, and you get to hunt Templars.  Heh.

I'm actually hooked into AC IV: Black Flag...who would've thought, I have a taste for piracy!  As large as the world is, as well built as the sandbox is, the first one is still my favorite.  Although it is great fun to sail the open seas and have a go at any ship you see, be it nearby or on the horizon.  It's gotten so that I've basically shelved the main story in favor of exploring the different ports you can call in; I am at the point now, or rather, my ship is, where taking on two or three larger vessels is no real cause for concern.  I have upgraded pretty much everything on board my ship- not to max levels of course, but she's beefed up considerably...I'm bringing down large frigates with relative ease, but I haven't successfully taken on a man-o-war yet.  Those things are HUGE and I came across one that was in a convoy with three or four other gun ships; this was early on so I got smoked pretty quickly and have been avoiding them since.

There's a buttload of things to get into outside of the story...I went shark hunting last night; let me tell you- if you've not upgraded the damage of your harpoons or the armor on your vessel, it ain't gonna go well.

Douglas, you like Westerns...there are only two games I'd suggest, and one of them is too brief to bother with (GUN) but I liked it because Thomas Jane voiced the main character and he's a bad ass so it was pretty cool, a RDR knock off if you will.  RDR is the consummate Western experience- they even get the music right but that's no surprise, Rockstar's really good at writing and acquiring just the right music to set the mood.  Its incredible, really.
The Black Knight, Order of the Marshal
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