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Elder Scrolls Online, beta sign-up

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Sir William:

--- Quote ---Skyrim is arguably the nicest-looking of the three. The character models are a huge improvement over Oblivion's (where some of the Orcs looked a wee bit too much like Shrek), and the environment is just beautiful. Not quite as alien as Morrowind's, but not as run-of-the-mill European fantasy as Oblivion's. Skyrim's dungeons are a lot more unique as well, and some of them are very ingenious. It's a little more simplified in terms of RPG mechanics than its predecessors, but it also adds some things its predecessors didn't have, especially so if you get all three DLC along with it.
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I agree; and while Oblivion was awesome, especially for its time (as well as how much of my time I put into it, something close to 300 hours all told; but I more than doubled that w/Skyrim.  I should feel ashamed, right?  lol), Skyrim is the better game, in my humble opinion.  There were definitely some wow moments, especially when I realized that after having hit up 5 dungeons/caverns and not a one of them had the same layout, they were all different.

Not to mention when I first found Blackreach.  HOLY COW.

Aiden of Oreland:
Oblivion definitly had more depth to the wuests in my opinion. Thry wern't as simple. I played Oblivion first, ten when I heard about Skyrim I figured I'd knock out Morrowind. Ha, that was clearly impossible. There was no difficulty level in Morrowind. On top of that you couldn't tell if you were hitting something or not. But after awhile I really got a grab on it. Morrowind definitly had HUGE armor selection and you could where the armor how ever you liked. There were more weapons like spears. Combat and running, ew. Oblivion reused parts to much. All churches looked the same, they used parts from other dungeons in other dungeons. Though I must admit, oblivion was waaaayyyy ahead of it's time as far as gaming goes. Graphics were incredible, the open world. Skyrim definitly had a more fantasy feel to it like morrowind used to have. Seeing an island from blood moon in skyrim was killer. But Morrowind had a cooler werewolf system than skyrim. First person werewolf. I think each game has its "superiors". I didn't enjoy Skyrim as much as Oblivion. Oblivion just had more to it I suppose. Idk, maybe its from spending half of my gaming career playing it. A nice part about ESO is that they will release a new part of the world like every year. It has a fairly decent story behind it to. In my opinion. It also has a good reason behind resurrection.


--- Quote from: DouglasTheYounger on 2014-02-12, 18:23:52 ---So based just on what you've seen and experienced so far, what do you think will happen after launch? Think it will survive, flop, have to go f2p, or pass into quaint Elder Scrolls history like Redguard and Battlespire?

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My prediction is that ESO will float a bit on subscriptions for a while, because there are some very rabid folks out there who are deeply emotionally invested in liking this game no matter how good it actually is, and they will carry it for a bit.  I'm guessing it will go the way of SWTOR.  Tons of folks will play through the leveling experience, and then it will fizzle out and go f2p.  Although I really enjoyed the SWTOR leveling process a bunch more than I enjoyed the ESO closed beta.

There's no way they can return the soul of ES to the game this late in the beta.  It's just another mmo in my opinion with a facade of Elder Scrolls.

As far as the single player ES games, I liked Skyrim the best mainly because I love the lore and atmosphere of Skyrim more than the environment of Oblivion.  Gameplay wise they're both excellent.

But my favorite recent CRPG is Witcher 2, although it's not open world, I just fell in love with that game.  Really looking forward to Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt.

Aiden of Oreland:
I have actually never played Red Dead or Witcher. I want to play ESO but idk if I want to spend the 15 a month. I hope the game picks up, and doesn't end up like Rift (the two having very similar ideas).

Sir William:
I've never played Witcher but it sounds like my type of game.

Aiden, if you like Westerns, Red Dead Redemption is the consummate experience.


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