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Elder Scrolls Online, beta sign-up
Sir Edward:
Beta applications are open for Elder Scrolls Online. I never played the previous games, except for a little bit of Skyrim (didn't get far before getting distracted by other shiny objects), but I always enjoy a good MMO.
They're the best modern RPG's this side of Baldur's Gate / Planescape Torment / Neverwinter Nights and Icewind Dale. Signing up for the beta as we speak!
Sir William:
I love the ES games...well, the console version. I'm assuming this is for the PC crowd- you gotta let me know how that goes!
B. Patricius:
--- Quote from: Sir William on 2013-06-05, 15:43:30 ---I love the ES games...well, the console version. I'm assuming this is for the PC crowd- you gotta let me know how that goes!
--- End quote ---
Seriously! I love Skyrim. I'm more a fan of Bioware's storylines though, I care more about the characters in DragonAge and Mass Effect. But, Elder Scrolls is amazing, and a great universe too. Let me know how it goes! My knight is already trying to convince me to build me a computer because of The Old Republic and EVE, if Elder Scrolls is any good, I might just have to give in.
Sir William:
Dragon Age was a great game, albeit wayyyy too much reading, loved DA2 because all of the dialog was spoken. I think I played that game thru at least 4 times, while DAO I played thru twice.
I think I fell more for Skyrim's world than anything else...there was so much to explore and it was starkly beautiful. I think one of my favorite areas was Blackreach...talk about an alien sub-world.
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