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12th/13th century riveted mail hauberk and chausses - Knight's Templar kit

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--- Quote from: Sir Wolf on 2013-06-06, 14:18:59 ---you know, ice falcon just got a shipment in of alt row riveted hauberks instock lol

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Yeah, they're discounted too because he apparently received them by accident.

B. Patricius:

--- Quote from: Ian on 2013-06-06, 14:22:08 ---
--- Quote from: Sir Wolf on 2013-06-06, 14:18:59 ---you know, ice falcon just got a shipment in of alt row riveted hauberks instock lol

--- End quote ---

Yeah, they're discounted too because he apparently received them by accident.

--- End quote ---

Are y'all trying to tell me something?  ;D  Also, no offense to Ice, or Erik D Schmid, but I've seen some of the mail up close from India, and I'm not impressed with it.  There's always room for improvement, and I think they have quite a bit of improving still to go.

it would be quicker if I could just purchase the mail, but expensive still, especially in comparison to what I've found in my research.  I'd rather have that money go to other things I can't make, like my helm, swords, etc.  Plus, this is actually homework  :o I know depending on y'all's personal taste, this might be worse than doing business accounting or macro-economics, but for me, I think it's a blast!  Hence why I'm keeping a log here, I want to keep track of my progress and have a journal of sorts to revert back to when I start writing my paper. ;)  So, it would be quicker to go to Ice, but I also think in the academia world, since I've already told my professor I'm making as much of the kit as I can myself, it would also be construed as cheating.  At least to me.  I know how to make mail, and it's fun and enjoyable for me.  It's also nice that the money I'm saving can go towards one of my swords  ;D

--- Quote from: Sir Edward on 2013-06-06, 14:02:32 ---
My understanding is that punched rings came later in the period. I think if you're going for 14th C. and earlier, all riveted is just fine.

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thanks for that. It's funny, but everywhere I've gone and researched, there doesn't seem to be a definite "they did it this way only" sort of deal when it comes to mail.  I know the ancient Romans used punch rings, and there's some theories that continued up through the Crusades Era, but all we really have of extant evidence is a hunk of metal that definitely can't be closer examined without risk:
yeah... lol

I did notice TheRingLord has their "recycled punch rings" available in mild steel again, and for a nice price too.  If I decide to go that route with the punched rings, I'd go through them, order theirs and modify them to better looking on my anvil.  For the price I won't complain they're "dimpled" and "not centered."  This is a picture of their titanium rings:

As for my progress:  I'm almost done with my first 3.5lb spool of wire!  8) not bad considering real life has taken precedence these past few days and I haven't had as much time to work on it. 

If I can actually have some time, I could probably get all 14lbs of wire I currently have all coiled up by this time next week.  But let's face it, it'd probably take a small miracle for me to be able to accomplish that with everything else I have going on, so I'm just plugging away.

Sir James A:
I was posting about romans and punched rings, and got ninja'd on it.


--- Quote from: B. Patricius on 2013-06-07, 02:20:15 ---Are y'all trying to tell me something?  ;D  Also, no offense to Ice, or Erik D Schmid, but I've seen some of the mail up close from India, and I'm not impressed with it.  There's always room for improvement, and I think they have quite a bit of improving still to go.

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While Icefalcon is a distributor of imported Indian maille (just like GDFB and all the other mass-market maille providers), Erik D. Schmid is nothing of the sort.  He makes his stuff the way it was done in period, and reproduces the most historically accurate maille this side of the Late Middle Ages.  Please don't mistake Erik's work for what the Indian maille producers are churning out.

Sir Wolf:
ummm erics is as close to perfect as you can get. its not Indian mail, he draws his own wire etc. Indian mail now is loosely based off what forth armoury gave them to work with.... before they sold his copies to other companies. noneof there rivets are close to being right. wedge or rivet, it still looks differently


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