Main > The Armoury

12th/13th century riveted mail hauberk and chausses - Knight's Templar kit

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B. Patricius:
Guys,  Non nobis Domine, non nobis

thankyou so much for your support.  And yes Sir Wolf, I shall keep the enemy forces of the "Ban lanyard" at bay now, insomuch as my phone/camera doesn't die on me again!  ;D

Sir Edward, Sir Ian, Sir James - thank you from the bottom of my heart.  I was actually thinking about this last week.  "They're probably curious about my mail endeavors and may even be worried I've fallen through.  Just wait til this weekend and I can finally show something!"  I'm hoping it will do justice.  Looking at the rings, by themselves, it's hard not to critique them.  But in doing that, nothing will get done. 

Sir Brian, it's funny that you admire my patience and I thank you for your compliment.  It's funny really, but I take out my lack of patience and any and all frustrations when I'm smushing those rings!  ;D  It's gotten to a point where when I take a break, I have to play Assassin's Creed 1, or work on something else of my kit, just to constantly feel I'm making progress forward.  Patience is definitely not something of a virtue of mine, but something I've longed aspired to.

Now, if only I can figure out how to post up my video!! It's awesome, and really explains how I overlap my rings without having to make special tools or smush fingers! :D  If anyone can assist I'd be most appreciative.  I have an HTC EVO.  It sucks too, because my last phone had no problem doing it lol

again, thank you everyone.  your support is most appreciated

B. Patricius

James Rogerson:
Most impressive Patricus !   I have a mandrel if you are in need of some coils. It is extra wire, and if you are interested in some help, you have my email. Chief, out.

B. Patricius:

welcome and well met again!  Feel free to get to know everyone here.  I know you know most of them from Facebook.  Be sure to post up a greetings page here:,13.0.html  thanks for checking in on my work.  I appreciate the offer to assist on this.  And I'm looking forward to ordering a shield or two in the coming future 8)

for those of you who don't know, James makes wicked awesome shields and shield kits.
Joe Metz has one of his:

also, to add to this, my soft part of my kit, is happily done.  Tonight was quite emotional as I made the cross.  My lady graciously sewed it for me.  I'm wearing everything but my armour. 

Basically I need:
sword and sword belt
- that's it.  I'm really excited

the hood turned out huge.  :D partially I think all my years performing as a Jedi came out, but also to get the hood to fall right on my shoulders, it needed to be this large.

Please offer any constructive criticism you can.  It means a lot to me coming from you guys.  This is my fighter kit, cotton, machine stitched, and machine washable.  Nothing nearly good enough for DOK.  I am wearing braies, hose, and a shirt based of St. Louis though, but I figured I'd save you guys the pain of seeing me in those :D

non nobis Domine, non nobis
B. Patricius


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