Main > The Courtyard

Not really our period, but well done by two masters nonetheless

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Sir Wolf:
bah i tell you bah! lets put that back a bit to include roman and celts! lol

Sir William:
Sir Wolf just wants an excuse to run around with his uglies free and open to society.  lol

B. Patricius:
The main reason why I felt it wasn't "our period" was because, I've noticed most of the Knights within the Order Marshall appear to have a 14th-15th century kit.  Most of Destreza, at its heart and prime was 17th century, and same with Scottish Backsword. 

Didn't the show Highlander do a lovely little bit on Destreza once?

B. Patricius:

--- Quote from: Thorsteinn on 2013-05-22, 21:56:31 ---Didn't the show Highlander do a lovely little bit on Destreza once?

--- End quote ---

I don't know, it'd be cool if they actually did something right for a change.  Seeing what I have of "Highlander" I tend to avoid it like the plague ;)

any chance of a link to a youtube clip would be cool, I'll see what I can find too

this is my personal favorite that "fantasy" has been able to come up with in relation to Destreza, the fact it's a beautiful movie of my favorite folk hero, yeah... one of my favorites of all time:


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