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An important safety reminder regarding jewelry, including wedding rings

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Sir James A:
It can cause very bad injuries. Best to take off ALL jewelry, including rings, before any combat! Even just training.

Horrible, nasty, picture, of what can happen if you keep your ring on. So click at your own risk! I'm making it a link so it won't show up inline, because it's pretty graphic...

NOTE: NO, this is not me. It was posted on FB by someone else as a reminder of the potential of rings to mess you up during training. So PLEASE play safe!

de-gloving one's finger is a navy past-time!

Whats the story behind that?!  ???

Lord Dane:
uhhhhhh YUCK!! and OUCH!!!  :o

Sir Brian:
Yep, I always leave my wedding band off before going off to sword practice!


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