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An important safety reminder regarding jewelry, including wedding rings

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Guy over the weekend took a rather large shot to the hands. Told him of degloving & his wife told him she;s rather him lose his wedding ring than his finger.

Sir Edward:

I often leave my ring on... but I'm reconsidering now.

B. Patricius:
Sir Edward,
I would reconsider if I were you.  In the Coast Guard, we had those same pictures posted everywhere in shops just like the Navy.  I know exactly what Ian is talking about.  One of my friends lost his whole finger because of his graduation ring getting caught.  Needless to say, that was something I learned from other people's mistakes rather than learning myself.

My father, who worked as a constructional ironworker has never worn his wedding ring.  He keeps it in a chest.  He told me once when I asked him about it, "It's just a ring, symbolizing my marriage.  I'm married, I love your mother, and I don't need a ring to remind me of my oath.  My fingers, well, they do come in handy." 

Two of the people I know here locally in the SCA have their wedding bands tattooed on their fingers.  That's a cool safe way of doing it too.

Joshua Santana:
Ouch, ouch and nasty!  Will take this as a warning.

--- Quote ---My father, who worked as a constructional ironworker has never worn his wedding ring.  He keeps it in a chest.  He told me once when I asked him about it, "It's just a ring, symbolizing my marriage.  I'm married, I love your mother, and I don't need a ring to remind me of my oath.  My fingers, well, they do come in handy." 
--- End quote ---

Ha, you reminded me of my dad who never wore a wedding band but is still married to my mother, I like your father's response, that is what my dad would likely tell me."


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