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Author Topic: Brother Patricius reporting in  (Read 21310 times)

B. Patricius

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Brother Patricius reporting in
« on: 2013-04-17, 18:05:20 »
Greetings all and well met!

"Meet and greet" topics are always a bit awkward for me, be it in person or even in a forum.  In real life my name is Patrick.  I am far older in miles than my years it feels, as I am a service-connected veteran of the US Coast Guard.  I strive to make every day worth it for my brothers and sisters who have fallen with their boots on.  I still live by the code of honor, courage, and commitment, now to my family a young single-mother who has put her faith and trust (albiet to me foolishly  ;D) in me and her two-year old daughter.  I am looking to be a member of the Adrian Empire and have dabbled in the SCA a time or two but haven't fully integrated into either group.  I'm a western martial artist at heart and I enjoy practicing and honing my skills in any form or fashion.

In persona,

my persona, Brother Patricius, is of Gaelic heritage (although Scot or Irish I don't know) who is a veteran of the Third Crusade.  I am a member of one of the military holy orders, although I haven't totally figured out which one yet.  As to my duties to my order, brethren and church, I currently reside in Acre (having seen it first hand, it is so beautiful.). 

Outside of the persona, I believe it is my Uncle and watching "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade" at a young age that brought me to loving knights of holy orders, robes, mail, and chivalric duty.  And in that, although I may no longer be able to serve my country and my fellows, I may do so whole heartedly in spirit and in teaching others.

Also, I have a pinterest, which may be something you all may enjoy: http://pinterest.com/tanukidomo/ I've basically put almost all of my experimental archaeology into that as I'm running out of room on my harddrive :D

thanks to Sir Edward for creating this forum
may you all have fair winds and following seas

B. Patricius
"Be open with your thoughts, Be witty with your humor, Be kind with your words, Be sensible in your acts." - Lord Dane
Never theorize before you have data. Invariably, you end up twisting facts to suit theories, instead of theories to suit facts.
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Sir Brian

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Re: Brother Patricius reporting in
« Reply #1 on: 2013-04-17, 18:15:29 »
Hail and well met Patricius!  :)

Welcome to the forum. I am an ex-Coastie myself, albeit it was after already doing a hitch in the Army in which I was a medic. In the CG I was an ET, what was your rate? 
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Lord Tristin

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Re: Brother Patricius reporting in
« Reply #2 on: 2013-04-17, 18:48:25 »
Hail and well met Brother Patricus!


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Re: Brother Patricius reporting in
« Reply #3 on: 2013-04-17, 18:49:09 »
Welcome, Brother Patricius.

Well met!
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Lord Dane

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Re: Brother Patricius reporting in
« Reply #4 on: 2013-04-17, 19:28:36 »
Welcome to the forum Brother Patricius.
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Re: Brother Patricius reporting in
« Reply #5 on: 2013-04-17, 19:30:17 »
Another Coastie eh?  Heh.. at least Sir Brian was in the real military before becoming a puddle pirate... :)  I kid I kid... I've had the privilege of working with your LEDETs doing counter-narco down South, and we received a big portion of our AUF (Airborne Use of Force) training from your HITRON bubbas in Mayport.  One of your LEDET marksman blew up the back window of my aircraft with the concussive blast from firing the barrett in my cabin!  Good times to be had by all.  Welcome to the forum!

(H-60 pilot, USN)
« Last Edit: 2013-04-17, 19:30:43 by Ian »
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Sir Gerard de Rodes

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Re: Brother Patricius reporting in
« Reply #6 on: 2013-04-17, 20:19:22 »
Welcome Brother Patricius, and good speed to you.
"War is at first like a beautiful girl with whom all men long to play,but in the end like a repulsive hag whose suitors all weep and ache" Samuel Hanagid (993-1056)

Sir James A

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Re: Brother Patricius reporting in
« Reply #7 on: 2013-04-17, 20:56:14 »
Hail and welcome! Thank you for serving, and remember, just because you aren't on the front line doesn't mean you aren't serving. There is a LOT that goes into supporting those on the front line who couldn't do it without the others.
Knight, Order of the Marshal
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B. Patricius

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Re: Brother Patricius reporting in
« Reply #8 on: 2013-04-17, 22:06:10 »
Hail and well met Patricius!  :)

Welcome to the forum. I am an ex-Coastie myself, albeit it was after already doing a hitch in the Army in which I was a medic. In the CG I was an ET, what was your rate?

My "rate" was QM before becoming a Boats... however I rarely, ever was my rate's job.

Lord Tristan, Corvus, Lord Dane, Sir Gerard de Rodes thank you for the warm welcome

Another Coastie eh?  Heh.. at least Sir Brian was in the real military before becoming a puddle pirate... :)  I kid I kid... I've had the privilege of working with your LEDETs doing counter-narco down South, and we received a big portion of our AUF (Airborne Use of Force) training from your HITRON bubbas in Mayport.  One of your LEDET marksman blew up the back window of my aircraft with the concussive blast from firing the barrett in my cabin!  Good times to be had by all.  Welcome to the forum!

(H-60 pilot, USN)


I've read posts here already and saw what you were... couldn't expect any less from a squid roto-jock!  And yes, those times you describe are definitely priceless.  Almost every day, I seem to remember even the most mundane of things, the chief's mess (more times in there when I was in trouble than not), hanging out on the messdeck, or yelling at a probie for not "hooking" the dolphin or mako beforehand (Ian it would be great if you could describe that better in detail, I just knew it was required!) or yes, even once when a deckie got blown off the deck by rotowash and a good wind.  Luckily that was on base, and he was on a dock, not underway so it just got jeers from the rest of us.  And yes, the DOG boys, the very best of professionals.  They deserve far more credit than what is given to them.  But then again, if they were publicized, they'd never be able to do their jobs.

James Anderson III, lets just say there's PLENTY that goes on, on different frontlines than those recanted on the news, and we can just leave it at that.  I appreciate what you meant, regardless, especially if I did happen to read into that wrong (which wouldn't have been the first time on a forum).
"Be open with your thoughts, Be witty with your humor, Be kind with your words, Be sensible in your acts." - Lord Dane
Never theorize before you have data. Invariably, you end up twisting facts to suit theories, instead of theories to suit facts.
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Sir Wolf

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Re: Brother Patricius reporting in
« Reply #9 on: 2013-04-17, 22:11:38 »
huzzah and welcome. my nephew is a coastie reserve.


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Re: Brother Patricius reporting in
« Reply #10 on: 2013-04-17, 22:14:02 »

I'm to your NW a bit up here in Reno. I'm a member & officer of the SCA up here, and have done some HEMA work in the past.

Also, for an all too short time, I was an Airman. :)

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B. Patricius

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Re: Brother Patricius reporting in
« Reply #11 on: 2013-04-18, 00:25:24 »
Sir Wolf,
thank you for the warm welcome good sir!

an airman!?! see? we puddle-pirates get all the flak when it's the Air Force that's bar none the most spoiled! I have pictures!  ;D I have pictures!
on a more serious note, do you ever head out to the Northern California RenFaire? Or do any SCA events down south like Estrella or Great Western War?  It'd be great to meet up.  Although, I'm in a 13th century Japanese kit within the SCA ;) so I'd be incognito
"Be open with your thoughts, Be witty with your humor, Be kind with your words, Be sensible in your acts." - Lord Dane
Never theorize before you have data. Invariably, you end up twisting facts to suit theories, instead of theories to suit facts.
my facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/murphy.patrick.j


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Re: Brother Patricius reporting in
« Reply #12 on: 2013-04-18, 21:24:46 »
welcome! Thank you for your service.  :)
"The maximum use of force is in no way incompatible with the simultaneous use of the intellect." -Carl Von Clausewitz
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B. Patricius

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Re: Brother Patricius reporting in
« Reply #13 on: 2013-04-18, 23:54:00 »
Many thanks to Sir Nathan, and the rest on this forum.  I must say, having kidding banter about my choice of branch is so enlightening versus what I'm used to.  Most people, who do not know what the US Coast Guard does (especially in this day and age) seem to just treat us like the step-child of the military.  Truly as Kevin Costner said in "The Guardian," "We're the Coast Guard... they only care and appreciate us when they need us."

I had the honor of meeting him once, it was a great day.  He took me, and my whole boat (only 18 of us, it was a small cutter) out for dinner.  The whole time, it seemed surreal to all of us.  For us, we're having dinner with the man who payed to make a movie about us, and actually get it right, with members of the Coast Guard IN the movie.  For him, he was eating with the Coast Guard, wearing one of our boat hats and sweatshirts, with all of us in our best dress blues, and him knowing what our unique and special ribbons and medals actually meant.

He even told me, when he saw my uniform that he wished he could also do a movie on the Coast Guard Law Enforcement side (the side Ian was talking about with HITRON, and LEDET) but was "advised" not to, because we like it quiet.

I was discharged far before I had wanted to.  And I must say it was my fault and stupidity.  But I'll never forget what a Chief told me during my "checking out,"  "Murf, you know what goes on here, you appreciate it, and you'll always be a Coastie.  If it isn't classified, or hush-hush for a good reason, talk about it with whoever is willing to listen."  That in conjunction with Mr. Costner's "The Guardian,"  I'm starting to think we're finally being seen in a different light.  At least, it seems that way sometimes.  And here especially, it's most appreciated.
"Be open with your thoughts, Be witty with your humor, Be kind with your words, Be sensible in your acts." - Lord Dane
Never theorize before you have data. Invariably, you end up twisting facts to suit theories, instead of theories to suit facts.
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Sir James A

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Re: Brother Patricius reporting in
« Reply #14 on: 2013-04-19, 03:07:11 »
I was discharged far before I had wanted to.  And I must say it was my fault and stupidity.

I sense a story, and I'm curious now..
Knight, Order of the Marshal
Sable, a chevron between three lions statant Argent