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Author Topic: Violence v. Sportsmanship  (Read 14804 times)

Lord Dane

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Re: Violence v. Sportsmanship
« Reply #15 on: 2013-04-17, 20:52:37 »
One's mentality is instilled from the training one receives and for what application you intend to use it. The discipline I have is from my training but I do it for both love of it and wanted to expand my defensive/offensive capabilities with different weaponry (for both personal and professional reasons). I am trained and disciplined enough to separate the two though for both sport or combat. I am not about going in for the kill unless that is my intention. I train to self-improve so that when I need to fight, I WILL use my skills for that. When I want to play, I have fun!!! :) :) Knowing control comes from the setting you are in and the mentality you have. 

I don't have the mindset for 'competition'. I train to fight and survive not compete. I practice to be better. I do not like to give away what I can do. I like to watch others to see where they lack & where I can improve myself. Some people can separate the two easier but most don't share my occupation. However, I also train people but how I train them depends on what they are seeking to learn from me.
« Last Edit: 2013-04-17, 22:05:11 by Lord Dane »
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Re: Violence v. Sportsmanship
« Reply #16 on: 2013-05-06, 18:35:57 »
To me, Violence and Sportsmanship are two different things that often come together in certain instances but what I will say my piece.

There is nothing wrong with sportsmanship as long as the rules are observed and safety is maintained.  Violence is either the act of hurting another person out of an amoral reason or it is an argument ended with fists and wrestling on the floor.

What I like in my training in HEMA is the idea of safe violence, which is using force when performing a sword technique but with a different approach and objective.  The approach is to master not just the technique or tactic but also to discipline yourself.  The objective is to utilize technique and strategies against the impulses of a hard baseball swing to the head or acting suicidal or worse a block head. 

Competition is useful only in tournaments but never useful for self-defense.  There is nothing wrong about being competitive as long as you keep your character in check.   
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Re: Violence v. Sportsmanship
« Reply #17 on: 2013-05-07, 05:47:38 »
What I like in my training in HEMA is the idea of safe violence, which is using force when performing a sword technique but with a different approach and objective.  The approach is to master not just the technique or tactic but also to discipline yourself.  The objective is to utilize technique and strategies against the impulses of a hard baseball swing to the head or acting suicidal or worse a block head. 

QFT well said, well said
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