If anyone wants some plate pieces, I have the following:
1.) A full-set of 18-gauge mild steel legs with fish-tail poleyns, front greaves, brown leather straps/brass hardware, NEVER used for fighting. (Late 14-15th century)
2.) One 18-gauge mild steel plate gorget (Front & back pieces) with black leather straps w/ nickel hardware & rivoted straps for spaulders. WORN for renfaire events & fighting but GOOD condition. (14-15th century)
3.) One full-set of 16 or 18-gauge mild steel arms w/ soup-can style elbow guards (14th-15th century). USED in SCA heavy combat. Some slight wear (sword dents) but good for starter kit or fighting.
4.) One set of single rivoted 16 or 18-gauge mild steel Gothic spaulders; Triple lames with brown leather straps w/ brass hardware. NEVER used for fighting (Late 14th-15th century)
5.) One 14-gauge Pembridge-style mild steel closed-face helmet; USED in SCA heavy combat. Some damage but good for starter kit or fighting; NO Liner.
Anyone interested, I'll sell all for $300.00 or B.O. (plus S&H) or piece by piece. I'll take pics & post for any interested. Let me know.