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I am glad to join the Order.

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Good Morning,

My name is Christopher Allen Wheeless, a sophomore in college and a rather broad individual (I have very many interests). I wanted to first thank you for creating, or being a part of, a organization such as the Knights of the Order Marshal. Most who have an interest in the concepts of valor, chivalry, grace, honor, and medieval history know Sir William Marshal to be perhaps the most noble knight of all. I grew up with a father who played a little to much Dungeons and Dragons, but it is this very role playing that allowed me to start my quest to understand the concepts of valor, honor, and chivalry that they were supposed to portray. Over time movies, novels, and a general fascination with medieval history lead me to my appreciation, fondness, and eventually application of those traits into my everyday life. I found solace in the word of the "Old Code" bellowed by the dragon Draco in Dragonheart. I grounded myself into it as best I could and I would like to see if I can further it by applying it to this every changing world; archaic the concepts may be, but they definitely have real world applications and so many have forgotten the importance of them.

I work and go to school at a decent sized college in the United States, and I watch people everyday being so open to knew thoughts and ideas in just my generation alone, but they fall short in remembering some of the good things of the past such as the goals of the Order. I actually work for the State I live in as a student leader. I am the guide to incoming freshmen and other students on their "coming to terms" with their own weaknesses, responsibly's, and life's challenges but I would like to do more. I do my best to teach them the value of these old ways and want to see if I can not only learn from the Order, but to turn around and make a real world difference in the upcoming leaders in my generation and those around me. I would like to become more attuned to the goals I read about on your other website and discussed with your Facebook moderator so that I can better myself, represent these values better for own self enlightenment, but also for that of my peers.

It is for these reasons and goals that I would be honored to be considered to join your forum  and perhaps in time a valued member of the organization you help manage.

Thank You Again,

Christopher Wheeless

Sir Edward:

Welcome to the forum!

Sir William:
Welcome the to the forum, Christopher.  It sounds like you're off to a good start.


Sir Gerard de Rodes:
Welcome to the boards Christopher and good speed to you.
I feel you have happened upon just the right place.


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