Main > The Great Hall

I am glad to join the Order.

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Sir James A:
Excellent! We have some previous discussions of chivalry on here, and if you have a specific topic or question about it, feel free to create a new thread and we will discuss.

Welcome to the forums!

Sir Brian:
Hail and well met Christopher and welcome to the forum!  :)

Thank you all for your warm greetings. I am in search at the moment for someone who can fill me in on how this site works, considering I am new, I do not know were everything is at. Most of it is easy to figure out, but it built a bit different than most forums.

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: RackThor on 2013-03-02, 03:57:51 ---Thank you all for your warm greetings. I am in search at the moment for someone who can fill me in on how this site works, considering I am new, I do not know were everything is at. Most of it is easy to figure out, but it built a bit different than most forums.

--- End quote ---

If you click "Home" on the blue menu bar, it will take you to the main page of the forums. From there, each section has a description of the different threads in that area - Marketplace as Classifieds, and so on. If you have any specific question(s), let us know what and we'll point you in the right direction. :)

It may also help to know where you are located. :)

Most of us are located on the East Coast but I myself am located at the base of the Sierra Nevada's, near Donner Pass, in Reno/Sparks.

Also do you do any Western Marital Arts, Fencing, Historic European Martial Arts, RenFaire's, Society for Creative Anachronism, Historic Medieval Battles/ Battle of the Nations, or other martial arts?


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