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Author Topic: 14th Century Bycocket (DIY Mad Hatter!)  (Read 14202 times)

Lord Dane

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Re: 14th Century Bycocket (DIY Mad Hatter!)
« Reply #15 on: 2013-08-09, 21:57:16 »
I just ordered and recieved one from them a few days ago. I was pondering how I would shape it. Thanks for the information and inspiration. Awesome hat.

My pleasure!  The tea kettle is what I've found to be the most steady source of steam.  If you boil a regular pot of water it will you'll evaporate a lot more water than you can use, and you may have to keep adding water.  The tea kettle also allows you to really focus where you're steaming so you can work on smaller sections. 

Let it get decently wet, and then as you stretch it, hold it in place as it cools (it will cool pretty quickly), and then just keep repeating til you get it to do what you want.  Get creative on what you use as 'forms' to shape it over, lots of random stuff around the house works really well if it's got the basic shape you want.

If you want sufficient wet, I got plenty of excess rain water here. :(
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