Main > The Great Hall

Introductions from Svyatoslav

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Sir Brian:

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--- Quote ---what years, era, areas are you interested in? swords, shields, armour and clothes charge from one country to another as well as the time... let us know and we can hook u up!
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Viking Era stuff, as well as most of the medieval period. I tend to like the looks of swords like type X , XIIa, and XVa.
--- End quote ---

Hail and well met and welcome to the forum!

For an authentic Viking look ensure your helm does NOT have horns! – Besides it upsets Sir Wolf! ;)

Sir Edward:

Welcome to the forum!

Sir James A:
Hail and welcome!

Sir Gerard de Rodes:
Welcome Svyatoslav, and good speed to you.

Where in Oregon will you be moving?

 An old family friend, Duke Sir James Greyhelm (SCA) lives in Ashland, and I used to live in the Barony of Three Mountains (Portland). There is a large Scandinavian SCA contingent up there.


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