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Introductions from Svyatoslav

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Greetings and hello, members of I am Svyatoslav, a medieval/dark ages history enthusiast, and Sir Ulrich recommended for me to join this forum. He is a good friend of mine online, and he kind of got me into the whole historical reenacting scene...   :)

I am currently a fan of Viking/Slavic reenacting, and have recently ordered some of my first equipment. Hope to hear from you all! :D


Where in this big world are you located?

Sir Wolf:
what years, era, areas are you interested in? swords, shields, armour and clothes charge from one country to another as well as the time... let us know and we can hook u up!


--- Quote ---Greetings!

Where in this big world are you located?
--- End quote ---
New York City, but I'll be going off to Oregon for college.  ;D

--- Quote ---what years, era, areas are you interested in? swords, shields, armour and clothes charge from one country to another as well as the time... let us know and we can hook u up!
--- End quote ---
Viking Era stuff, as well as most of the medieval period. I tend to like the looks of swords like type X , XIIa, and XVa.

Sir Andrew:
Then you should feel right at home here! Welcome, good Sir! :)


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