Main > The Great Hall

Introductions from Svyatoslav

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It is quite a pleasure to meet you all!

--- Quote from: Hersir Thorsteinn on 2012-12-17, 23:12:47 ---Where in Oregon will you be moving?

 An old family friend, Duke Sir James Greyhelm (SCA) lives in Ashland, and I used to live in the Barony of Three Mountains (Portland). There is a large Scandinavian SCA contingent up there.

--- End quote ---

Coincidentally, I will indeed be living in Portland beginning in the latter part of 2013 (Reed College).

Welcome good sir!

Welcome to the forum!  :)

Sir Patrick:

Lord Dane:
Greetings & welcome Svyatoslav. :) We need more Nords in this mix!!! A little Valhalla never hurt anybody.  :D


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