"Chivalry is itself the poetry of life."
      -- Schlegel, Philosophy of History

Author Topic: Delaware Knights of the Innocent Renaissance Fundraising Dinner  (Read 9129 times)

Sir Matthew

  • Squire of the Order
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  • Posts: 603
Following is an announcement that I spotted on the Parenfaire.net Board and on Myspace.  I thougth it may be of interest to persons on this board so I am posting it here.

I am Earl Robert Lofland the president of the Delaware Chapter Knights Of The Innocent, A non profit child advocacy organization.

www. knightsoftheinnocent. org
Our National Chapter is in Collingdale PA
The Delaware Chapter profile is
www. myspace. com/deknightsoftheinnocent
We are located in Clayton, DE

We in search of additional reenacters and individuals who have experience and may also have some props that could be loaned to a benefit fundraiser that may also give the general public a more realistic show a renaissance atmosphere (Queen Consort Isabella) and assist our child advocacy organization to raise money for an emergency Shelter and Crisis Center for Abused Children in Delaware. (Middletown Counseling Center and Annette's Haven, Inc.
Middletown, DE

The Benefit will be a banquet and show with a renaissance theme; Titled:

The Knights Of The Innocent
- Queen Consort Isabella Banquet for Abused Children-

The Date is not yet set for the Banquet. Due to first securing volunteer reenactors for the performance As well as someone who has more experience in the Renaissance Theme then myself.

With that being said; There is a need to have individuals work as the charachters. And ,to obtain props such as but not limited to tapestry's. Coat of Arms Banners and Shields etc. for the back drops behind the Queens Consorts Table. Or, to place in front of her table. and in the Queen Consort Dinning Area, Candleabras etc. Anything to make this as realistic as possible.

Each of the characters will be a volunteer for the Knights Of The Innocent. and if you are with a guild there is the options of either giving a document of in Kind Donations for the service provided or possibly a portion of the proceeds raised to go towards the guild or society who assists in this Banquet.

We are able to secure the Duncan Center for the banquet with a Heavy Hor D'oeuver plater for each of the patrons includedfor 4 hours.

Although if we needed extra time to set up and tear down props etc. that is no problem.

The show would be a 4 hour show. We would be holding the event on either a Friday or Saturday i.e. Friday 7:00 PM to 11:00 PM or on a Saturday 3:00 PM to 7:00 PM (example).

Starting with a Dinner and then holding some Renn Entertainment.

We have been been calling out to everyone who are reenactors in this area.
Including the faculty at High Schools, colleges and Universities who have a performing arts and drama club; to briefly inquire on their assistance for a benefit we are wishing to have in Dover, DE

I would like to also know more about how you can asist in this endeavor.

Whether you have a network of friends whom you can get to work with you or whether we need to have a choriographer to set everything in motion. It is something I envisioned for a fundraiser. I have done benefits before although The theme is something that I would need an experts assistance in.

Please pass this on to anyone whom you know who would be interested in being part of this event as the performer.

We will discuss with all who works on the Renaissance Fest our plans.

Our Organization would consider all offers for the use of any props that your group of friends may have and having a group of performers (up to 20 performers) be part of our event.

A Banquet (Renaissance theme) is being worked to help raise money to build an emergency shelter for abused children with a 24 hour counseling at the facility.

We would also consider waiving the banquet fee for the performers (free for up to 20 perfomers)
The Banquet Fee would be waived (free for up to 20 people)
Knights Of The Innocent-Queen Consort Isabella Banquet for Abused Children
The Heavy Hor D'Oeures are:

The Event would be held at The Duncan Center in Dover DE in the Banquet Hall on the 5th floor
Keep in Mind this is all tentative

No plans have begun.
No contracts or reservations have been made until we have performers for the benefit
LOCATION: 5th Floor

Though the facility can hold 350 people. the event will be limited to only 200 people including the performers.

The 15-20 performers would receive a free dinner in exchange for their performance.

The show would start with all the guests being escorted to their tables where they are greeted at the entrance as they enter. Standing on either side of the Door would be two Queens Guards. Patrons at that time will have an option to make an additonal $2.00 donation to be selected as the Honroary Duke and Duchess of the Eve. (Drawn before the Dinner was served.

Once everyone is seated and just before the meal is served there would be a drawing done for the Duke and Duchess of the Eve to be invited to be seated with the Lords and Ladys at the Queen Consorts Dining Section.

The Entire Top Floor is approx.
100 x 80 foot
The section that is preferated is approx 25 foot wide and 40 foot long

Each room is about 40 foot by 30 foot
For an additional donation of $10.
00 minimum individiuals can be knighted by the Queen Consort

Depending on what characters were to perform would determine what the skits would be for the eveings show.

A jester doing a song and dance or magic tricks etc.

A Belly Dancer or set of belly Dancers performing.

Knights who would perform a limited sword joust in the center of the banquet hall.

Along with possibly other contests that would resemble 13th Century England.

The Performers would include:

One Queen Consort Isabella

Two knight Gatekeepers (posted at the door (Halberd Bearers)

Four Knights

One Jester and

One Friar or Bishop

Five to eleven other Rein Actors for the Evening.

(total of no more then 20 actors and Actresses)

The Hall would be divided into two sections The Queen's Dinning Court and the Patrons Section

The Duke and Duchess of the Evening (Drawn from the two tickets mentioned earlier). They would also receive a complimentary gift such as a costume Ring or other gift which would possibly be donated by a supporting business such as a gift certificate.

Any patron has an opportunity to become knighted for the evening for a donation (price negotiable-this could be used as the portion of what could be collected for the performing guild for the use of their costumes and props)

All attending members of the Knights Of The Innocent would be formally knighted by the Queen Consort that evening.

A Certificate of Proclomation would be given to the Honorary Knights of the Evening as well as the Honorary Duke and Duchess receiving their Title; Duke And Duchess of (their Last name) Done on Parchment Paper (see image below) As a gift

There is a balcony that surrounds the etire upper floor.
with a beautiful out look of Dover

One of the Balconys is located behind the Queen's Table and another behind the Patrons Section

Please Pass this on to any others whom may be interested in participating and or assisting in the benefit Knights Of The Innocent-Queen Consort Isabella Banquet for Abused Children

Fortis Et Fidus

Earl R.
Lofland, Delaware Chapter President
Knights Of The Innocent
www. knightsoftheinnocent.
www. myspace.
31 Pom Run Dr
P. O.
Bx 272
Clayton, DE
302 653 7205
Cell 302 632 6064

I have already contacted Earl and been advised that He is aware of me already and that I have a position as a Knight for the evening.  I thought this was a very interesting idea worthy of assisting.  Hopefully there may be some others here who are willing to stand up and take part as well, if not acting, perhaps as an advisor for the history. 

Sir Matthew


  • Guest
Sounds like a worthy and just cause Sir Matthew. I'm sure there will
be plenty of takers in that area to assist. being where I am geographically,
it would be all but impossible for me to attend. I will however, like everyone
on this board, be available for assistance and/or advice....kudos! ;D