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                -- Joe Girard

Author Topic: Reflection and Musings: NHSC and learning Fiore  (Read 6521 times)

Joshua Santana

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Reflection and Musings: NHSC and learning Fiore
« on: 2012-11-18, 02:16:38 »
As most are aware that me and Sir Edward attended this years' NHSC.  The event was amazing in its format and I made several discoveries concerning my skill level in the Western Martial Arts and how Prowess is essential in living by the Code of Chivalry.

During the four days of intensive drilling, partner drills and eventual free fencing, I came to these several points.

1.  I work better in the Fiore Tradition opposed to my earlier studies in the Liechtenauer Tradition.  This is confirmed when I and Sir Edward bouted each other for the first time and I noticed that in moments that I was able to land a blow, I was able to hit the wrists with a tight, nearly vertical Sottani/Unterhau.  This in addition to several bouts where I thrusted instead of cutting to the openings and reacting more defensively than offensively gave further evidence.  My bout with Jake Norwood was also evidence of this fact.  I recall moments where my balance was stable and my reaction was more defensive.  Even though I lost the bout I came away with learning how to make blows with needed distance (I must remind everyone with pardoning from Sir Edward that I stand at 5'2", I'm a short fencer) as that was one of my early problems. 

On the last day when we learned armored combat via the Poleaxe, me and my partner learned at technique that applies very well to the longsword (that technique was the Exchange of Thrusts from Fiore), I was able to perform the technique flawlessly to my amazement. 

After the event, I discussed several techniques with my classmate at SIGMA (now head instructor of Long Island Historical Fencing Society) and I attempted Fiore techniques on him.  He also came to the conclusion that I work better in Italian Longsword.  That explains my understanding of the Fiore Tradition and why I have devoted 4 months of studying the Fiore Tradition (in addition to the other Historical Italian Fighting Arts, does include Bolognese Sword and Buckler, Italian Rapier and Classical Italian Fencing).

I came away from this summer with a better understanding of myself in regards to my Prowess.  This also showed how much progress I have been making in living by the Chivalric Code. I have been adhering to this Code that we all follow in one manner or another for three years and I continue to follow its principles.  In spite of difficulties, I have learned that one can live life to the fullest and be "able to deal in iron and blood and to be able to be meek in halls) (C.S. Lewis)
Knight of The Lion Blade

Honora gladium meum, veritas mea, et Spirítui Sancto.  כדי לכבד המגן שלי, האמת שלי חרבי

Honor My Sword, Truth My Shield.