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Going Teutonic

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Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: Sir William on 2012-09-26, 14:01:45 ---Ian, thanks for the link.  I went with this:

What do you think?

--- End quote ---

Looks great! Oh, and I just started a thread to discuss these.

Sir Ulrich:

Got my full Teutonic knight kit together, seems the surcoat does NOT need tailoring now that I put it on over my maille and whatnot it fits just fine. This is hot though mind you, I actually prefer it with the topfhelm rather than the kettle. Still have yet to get my gambeson from badass garb, hope I get it soon cause linen is a LOT better than cotton with poly fill. Any suggestions on how to get my hair not caught in everything. I constantly have to put on my MRL padded coif simply to keep the maille out of my hair when I put it on so I got 2 layers of arming cap over a coif. Maybe I should cut my hair but I like having long hair too much to cut it.

Sir Edward:
I have the long-hair problem too. What I do is fold it up over the top of my head before putting the padded cap on. As long as I tie it tightly enough, my hair will mostly stay up there.

Sir William:
Ulrich, you're looking quite dashing there my thing, I'd move the sword to hang at the side of your hip rather than the front.  I know the images show it that way but you might find it more comfortable and less annoying to not having it bang on your leg every time you take a step or the pommel bite into your stomach when you go to sit down and forget you're wearing a sword...until that happens.

Sir Edward's suggestion for your hair is probably the best one...he normally sports a pony tail and his hair's quite long.  Wish I could do it.

I have a personal question though...why do you look so unhappy?

Oh, and one other thing- you'd mentioned earlier that you didn't feel the name Ulrich suited a Templar and I've been meaning to tell you that the Templars weren't just English or French in origin; a good number of them were recruited from the Levant and so they would've been a melting pot mix of Arab, Italian, German, African and other nationalities.  Just a thought.

Sir Ulrich:
Yeah I guess that would work better, I sorta threw this all together rather quickly so I wasnt thinking about the sword hanging. My hair is like half down my back and I dont know if I could put it in an arming cap as those almost always come off when I put my maille on.

I look unhappy because smiling isn't period. I looked at tons of photos of people from the 1800s and they all looked rather stern and unhappy so I would assume people in the medieval period would be the same. I sorta try to emulate that rather than look all happy. I am also rather dark and gloomy myself as were the medieval ages which were a dark gloomy time period full of death and destruction I doubt a knight in battle would smile. Plus when I smile I look rather sadistic or crazy as seen here and no it isn't intentional it's just how I smile:

Now you know why I never smile.


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