Main > The Great Hall

Godspeed Everyone

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Welcome aboard! I spent some time just north of you, in Macomb Township a few years back.


Lord Dane:
Wow. Who would have thought I am a motivational influence for others. :) Welcome!!

Sir Brian:
Hail and well met! Welcome to the forums – Finally! ;)

--- Quote from: Lord_Dane on 2012-07-23, 11:32:52 ---
--- Quote from: The Red Knight on 2012-07-22, 21:18:42 ---
--- Quote from: James Anderson III on 2012-07-22, 20:23:23 ---Welcome to the forums. Garb, eh? Let's see what we can spend your money on. :)

Any pictures or time periods strike your interest?

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Hail and well met!  You've come to the right place for help.  We're a friendly lot and love to live vicariously through the other members.

--- End quote ---

Wow. Who would have thought I am a motivational influence for others. :) Welcome!!

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Yep these replies pretty much summarizes how we roll here! Although Lord_Dane the REAL test is how much money you are able to influence another to spend! ;)


--- Quote from: James Anderson III on 2012-07-22, 20:23:23 ---Any pictures or time periods strike your interest?

--- End quote ---

I have not figured out what time period as of yet but I'm leaning towards late 9th century or early 14th century. And about pictures that's the problem they all look awesome =) how can you only choose one.


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