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Author Topic: Absolute Force HEMA gear  (Read 8485 times)

Sir Edward

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Absolute Force HEMA gear
« on: 2012-07-17, 01:29:03 »

This is a maker of sporting gear for a variety of things, like MMA, Boxing, etc, and they now have a HEMA/WMA line. Not all of it is real exciting, but there a few exceptions.


The mask with integrated protection for the back of the head is a pretty decent deal. $109 for the whole helmet. This is particularly true when you consider that one of the main comparable alternatives right now is the protector add-on from Purple Heart, which is $84 without the mask. If you already have a mask that fits well, Purple Heart's may be the better deal, but if you need a mask, you can get one with the protector built in from Absolute.

But Absolute is also making HEMA hand protection, and this has the whole community very excited. They had a prototype at Longpoint and were getting some final comments from the community. Supposedly they'll be out around the end of the summer. They'll probably be a little pricey, but the current equivalent is over $200 and has international shipping. These should greatly reduce the lost fingernails and the like, since they're designed with sword impacts in mind. VAF and some of the other local schools are going to start highly recommending these to their students. I'll probably post again when I see them up for sale, as I intend to get a pair.
Sir Ed T. Toton III
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Re: Absolute Force HEMA gear
« Reply #1 on: 2012-07-17, 01:35:03 »
The forearm & shin gear looks a lot like the Valsgarde splinted vabraces & greaves.
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Sir James A

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Re: Absolute Force HEMA gear
« Reply #2 on: 2012-07-17, 17:40:06 »
Awesome! I just need to measure my head, and I'll be getting a helmet. 8)
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Joshua Santana

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Re: Absolute Force HEMA gear
« Reply #3 on: 2012-07-17, 19:24:10 »
This is excellent, i like their prices and I think getting my HEMA gear would not be difficult at all.   :D
Knight of The Lion Blade

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