Main > The Great Hall

Hails from Michigan!

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Sir Wolf:
WOW i sure wished more people in Dag looked like your kit. that is great!! you stand out head and shoulders better than 99% i kid you not. good job. can't wait to see it after you get all your pieces together that you want in the future!

Sir Edward:

I absolutely love the matching ailettes and surcoat!

Your kit has a real polished and complete look that many seem to be missing.  It's very coherent and looks amazing to boot!

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Ian on 2012-07-17, 14:05:06 ---Your kit has a real polished and complete look that many seem to be missing.  It's very coherent and looks amazing to boot!

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--- Quote from: James Anderson III on 2012-07-17, 19:36:47 ---
--- Quote from: Ian on 2012-07-17, 14:05:06 ---Your kit has a real polished and complete look that many seem to be missing.  It's very coherent and looks amazing to boot!

--- End quote ---


--- End quote ---

Motion Seconded!

BTW, welcome to the forums.  :)


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