Main > The Courtyard

Schielhau Krumphau (video)

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Sir Edward:

While I could do without the music, the exercises reminds me of the demo team practice my old dojo used to have.

Hey look, thrusting! I might want to learn this. Could we have a go at figuring this one out on the 15th?

Sir James A:
That looks like some serious speed. So much for the "huge and unwieldy" european swords myth. ;)

Sir Brian:

--- Quote from: SirNathanQ on 2012-07-07, 23:56:30 ---Hey look, thrusting! I might want to learn this. Could we have a go at figuring this one out on the 15th?
--- End quote ---

Sure we can have a more structured session on the 15th. Observe though that passive agent is countering the active agent's initital cutting attack with a Krumphau/Shielhau combination finishing off with the thrust.  ;)


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