Main > The Campaign

MDRF, 2012

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Sir Edward:

PARF is probably out at this point. We made a point of going up there last week, during the weeks that it doesn't overlap with MDRF (which is our home faire). MDRF pretty much dominates our time for the next two months.

The weapons policy stinks. But we've managed to work around it lately with swords that are cut down and glued into the scabbard. Technically they disallow costume weapons as well, but once they saw that ours can't be drawn, they were OK with it.

Sir William:
Yea, just talk to Sirs Edward or Wolf, they can tell you about the shenanigans involving swords in previous years.  There is an option you can try that some of our knights have already put into effect- the ubiquitous 'Faire sword'.  Find a wallhanger and glue/rivet it into the scabbard so that it can never be drawn...some of us have gotten away with that.  I have one I'm going to convert this or next weekend depending on time and such.  At least then you'd have something hanging at your side, even if it is only for show- but hey, that's what these faires are all about, the show, right?

Got ninja'd by the Knight Commander.  lol

Sir Brian:
I just reworked my 'Maryland Special' last night. This will be the fifth year of me carrying it and I had to reapply some epoxy glue because the blade had become quite loose. ;)

Sir Edward:

BTW, this coming weekend's weather looks manageable:

84 and sun/clouds on Saturday
80 and possible showers on Sunday.

I'd rather not wear the armor in the rain, so maybe Saturday.

Lord Dane:
I can try but I won't have time to retro fit anything in FL more than likely. My faire (KRF) starts Sept. 1 so I am putting off opening day & going Sept. 3 instead. I'll see what wife & I can work out as we can only stop at one faire on way home as I must work on Sunday. MDRF does sound most probable & I'll just cope w/ no sword at faire (but bring them anyways). :(
I'll let you guys know either way from FL as I will have my laptop.

Maybe I'll just buy the MDRF & change their weapon policy.  ;D


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