Main > The Campaign

MDRF, 2012

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Lord Dane:

--- Quote from: Sir Brian on 2012-08-23, 15:31:21 ---I just reworked my 'Maryland Special' last night. This will be the fifth year of me carrying it and I had to reapply some epoxy glue because the blade had become quite loose. ;)

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Brian, can you send me some pics of how your sword & scabbard rig looks so maybe I can duplicate?? :) 

Sir William:

--- Quote from: Lord_Dane on 2012-08-23, 17:50:09 ---Maybe I'll just buy the MDRF & change their weapon policy.  ;D

--- End quote ---

If you could do that, that'd be awesome.  Then you could make it a full-time enterprise, or maybe make it last longer, like into the winter months.  I'd go, I know that much!  ;)

There's an old thread around here somewhere about the old VARF- it was on this large plot of land, still has a standing tower on it and some outbuildings that are just standing there...waiting for a buyer.

Lord Dane:

--- Quote from: Sir William on 2012-08-23, 18:26:39 ---
--- Quote from: Lord_Dane on 2012-08-23, 17:50:09 ---Maybe I'll just buy the MDRF & change their weapon policy.  ;D

--- End quote ---

If you could do that, that'd be awesome.  Then you could make it a full-time enterprise, or maybe make it last longer, like into the winter months.  I'd go, I know that much!  ;)

There's an old thread around here somewhere about the old VARF- it was on this large plot of land, still has a standing tower on it and some outbuildings that are just standing there...waiting for a buyer.

--- End quote ---

It's actually something I plan on doing in the future, Sir William. In fact, you would personally like the business concept I have. Been planning it for some time now. When capital venture & permits in place, I shall indeed start my business. :) I'll discuss with you.

Sir Brian:
Here you go Lord_Dane. The first picture is from last year and the second from around 2008/2009 season after I got the counterbalance issue resolved. All I did was cut off the blade except for approximately 4 -5 inches and then used epoxy glue to secure it into the scabbard.  :)

Lord Dane:
Thanks for the pics, Sir Brian. Leave 4 Tampa in morning w/ wife & eldest step-son. I will be in touch from Tampa resort. God speed. :)


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