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John Clement, not being knightly.... again.

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Sir Brian:

--- Quote from: James Anderson III on 2013-07-13, 15:35:46 ---
He shows techniques I haven't seen anywhere else, he's dynamic with his presentation, his students are paying attention and, dare I say, even having fun.
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--- Quote from: Ian on 2013-07-13, 20:23:43 ---Yeah, it's a great video, and I agree with your comments on it from your above post.  I think it illustrates not only that he can be a good teacher and not a douche, but it shows ARMA's particular attention to biomechanics and practical technique.  A lot of their videos are equally as informative and offer some unique perspective.
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His teaching style is both captivating and informative and I do enjoy his videos and have experimented with some of his techniques with a variance of success. What is curious though, is given that his years of study is on par with many other scholars of HEMA who are generally not congruent with some of his interpretations of the manuscripts, which suggests to me that JC is expanding and experimenting upon the art as everyone involved with HEMA is in the rediscovering/redeveloping of this lost art. This isn't a bad thing, just an observation along with the curious notion of wondering: Did this occur back in the days of yore when the contemporaries of the Masters Liechtenauer, Talhoffer, Ringeck and Meyer may have had similar disagreements of technique?  ???


--- Quote from: Sir Brian on 2013-07-14, 02:34:47 ---What is curious though, is given that his years of study is on par with many other scholars of HEMA who are generally not congruent with some of his interpretations of the manuscripts, which suggests to me that JC is expanding and experimenting upon the art as everyone involved with HEMA is in the rediscovering/redeveloping of this lost art. This isn't a bad thing, just an observation along with the curious notion of wondering: Did this occur back in the days of yore when the contemporaries of the Masters Liechtenauer, Talhoffer, Ringeck and Meyer may have had similar disagreements of technique?  ???

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Excellent observation.  I had toyed with this idea as well.  I do believe that John is experimenting, extrapolating, and developing his own ideas and techniques that go beyond what the masters left for us.  I also think this is very valid.  In fact, it's one of the things that draws me to the ARMA approach.  They take the evidence, they take their knowledge of biomechanics, and they experiment with things to see what works in practice, and combine that with real athleticism.

I'm willing to bet anything that the period masters did disagree on technique and theory, and it would be awesome to see how and if they resolved or discussed these things.

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Ian on 2013-07-14, 02:47:24 ---I'm willing to bet anything that the period masters did disagree on technique and theory, and it would be awesome to see how and if they resolved or discussed these things.

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Definitely agreed! Especially when those same masters would be competing with other masters who want to sell *their* secret techniques and fighting styles to the highest bidder(s).

Sir Brian:
Oh btw, JC was interviewed and did some cutting demonstrations in this recent documentary that is available on Netflicks which is titled: 'Secrets of the Viking Sword'

Sir Vander Linde:

--- Quote from: Sir Brian on 2013-07-14, 10:00:02 ---Oh btw, JC was interviewed and did some cutting demonstrations in this recent documentary that is available on Netflicks which is titled: 'Secrets of the Viking Sword'

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JC was not very happy with how that show turned out, talked to him about it actually on another forum. they left a lot out that he wanted in, etc.

--- Quote from: James Anderson III on 2013-07-14, 04:10:47 ---
--- Quote from: Ian on 2013-07-14, 02:47:24 ---I'm willing to bet anything that the period masters did disagree on technique and theory, and it would be awesome to see how and if they resolved or discussed these things.

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Definitely agreed! Especially when those same masters would be competing with other masters who want to sell *their* secret techniques and fighting styles to the highest bidder(s).

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Totally agree as well. There are members of a group I participate in who disagree with my interpretations and teaching, and in fact those members talk to the "students" in the group about me the same way you hear people talking about JC "in the negative fashion" that is. slander is a sport don't ya know  ::)   

also, wasn't there some deal about Fabris  calling copy-right on Giganti.
(^bit off topic I know my bad)


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